On behalf of Morena, Senator Ignacio Mier highlighted that this ordinary period that began yesterday will discuss and approve the judicial reform and other initiatives that make up the plan C of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in accordance with the provisions of the regulations, parliamentary practice and the legislative process
In the discussion of judicial reform, he stressed, it will be done to enforce what is established in Article 39 of the Constitution
which National sovereignty resides essentially and originally in the people, and all public power emanates from them and is instituted for their benefit. Today, more than ever, we must keep in mind that our mandate emanates from the sovereignty of the people and that our main responsibility is to serve the interests of the people of Mexico. Never again to serve foreign interests or powers that be.
By setting out the position of the Morena groups in both chambers, he responded to criticism from the opposition, especially from the PAN, and assured that The only thing that was unfair in the electoral process was that the people of Mexico gave us six out of every 10 votes. That was unfair.
In specific reference to the intervention of the PAN member Nohemí Luna, Senator Mier said that It was unfair that the popular will reduced to its true expression those who have repeatedly demonstrated against the people
and added in the same tone: I agree that they are opposition and I hope they continue to be so for many six-year terms.
He then referred to the constitutional reforms: “Let there be no doubt, the plan C It is the majority mandate of the people. For this reason, it is our legislative agenda and will become, with the qualified vote in both chambers, the programs, budgets and actions of the next and historic government of the Republic that will be headed by the first female president of Mexico.
He added that Morena legislators We are proud and grateful to continue with the transformation of Mexico. We will do so responsibly, but firmly, promoting our project without being overwhelming, but in accordance with the sovereign mandate of the people to continue transforming this country.
Formulated a respectful call
to the opposition so that, regardless of their colors and ideologies, they put aside personal or group interests and stand on the side of the people.”
#Judicial #reform #approved #package #plan #Morena
– 2024-09-06 03:42:06