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Judicial reform must begin with the election of judges, magistrates and ministers: AMLO

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reiterated that the reform of the Judicial Branch must be carried out in stages, and begin with the election of judges, magistrates and ministers, “so that it is the people who elect the members of the Judicial Branch, which is why there is so much resistance.”

He assured that current judges can be candidates, while those external candidates who register and meet the requirements can be chosen by lot. “And ten can be chosen, five men, five women, and they can be elected by the people.”

In a press conference at the National Palace, where he said that the progress in the process to apply the VAT collection to insurance companies will be announced, since he indicated that there is a debt with the Tax Administration Service (SAT), for which it is being addressed in a trial, he insisted that in Mexico the Judicial Branch is a “co-opted power, kidnapped, taken over by a minority, and that is not justice.”

After recalling his impeachment process, which, he said, was intended to prevent him from being a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic in 2006, he stated that the Judicial Branch “has become a factional power, which comes from faction, it is the power of a group to defend the interests of a group. Judges who are at the mercy of the highest bidder, all of this is a disgrace.”

López Obrador stressed that there are judges who release organized crime and white-collar criminals. He explained that so far during his administration, of the 250 people released, 192 were released on weekends, and 58 percent from Monday to Thursday. “What more proof do they want of the corruption that prevails in the Judiciary?”

He said that “they are defending themselves with everything. The powerful who have judges, magistrates, ministers at their service, are putting a lot of pressure on us. They talk about political and economic instability, that what we want is to have control of the three powers, to establish a dictatorship, an authoritarian regime. No, what we want is for there to be an authentic rule of law, for the simulation to end, because what we have is a state of crookedness and bribery, not of law.”

If it were a matter of controlling the judiciary, he explained, “what a difficulty we would have if the presidents of Mexico have controlled the judiciary for centuries. It is only now, and I am very proud of it, because this only occurred during the time of President (Benito) Juarez, when there was complete independence of the judiciary.”

#Judicial #reform #election #judges #magistrates #ministers #AMLO
– 2024-08-15 12:11:39

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