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Judgment is expected – Berlin.de

In the trial of seven sexual attacks on young women in Berlin and Brandenburg in summer 2020, the verdict is expected today (12 p.m.). The 30-year-old is said to have attacked seven women and raped six of them. The victims were between 14 and 27 years old, according to the indictment. The accused is charged with six rape, one attempted rape, assault and attempted extortion at the regional court in the capital.

The public prosecutor has requested a 14-year sentence against the confessed defendant. In addition, the order of preventive detention had been requested, said a spokeswoman for the court after the non-public pleading. The defense pleaded for a total sentence not exceeding ten years. From the point of view of the lawyers, preventive detention should not be ordered.

The facts had caused great concern. Six attacks are said to have occurred in June and July 2020 on rather remote paths south of the Wannsee in Berlin and Brandenburg, the seventh act took place in Bernau. According to the investigation, the victims were on foot or by bike. The perpetrator addressed the women in a friendly manner, then brought them under his control and raped them.

Source: dpa

| Updated: Monday, April 19, 2021 01:03 AM

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