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Judge orders release of 124 children from US deta …

A Los Angeles court ordered the release of 124 children from refugee family detention centers in the U.S. The risk of corona infections would be too high. The lung virus has been diagnosed in two of the three detention centers, the judge writes in her judgment. According to her, “the detention centers are on fire and there is no time for half measures.”

Despite preventive measures, there is a huge virus outbreak in the special prisons for refugee families. More than 2,500 infections have been identified. The 124 children must be released by July 17 at the latest, either with their parents or by placement in a host family.

Trump’s fight against illegal immigration

President Donald Trump established the detention centers as part of his campaign against illegal immigration. They should discourage refugees and their families from crossing the border between Mexico and the United States.

Last week, the Supreme Court ruled that the president should not terminate the government program that protects hundreds of thousands of migrants from deportation. It is the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which protects some 650,000 migrants who came to the US as children.

Migrants can obtain special status through DACA. It temporarily protects these people from deportation and gives them the right to work, but not the ability to acquire U.S. citizenship. The program was created by Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama.

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