A judge has ordered preventive detention, this morning, against Fabricio Colón Pico Suárezalias Columbus Peakand four other people, including his sister, Ana María Pico Suárezafter being captured on a farm in Puerto Quito, in the early hours of Monday, April 22, as reported by the Prosecutor’s Office.
The others captured are William Maurice Aguilar Brown, alias “The Witch”, Eddye James SV. and Carlos Fernando Zambrano. The new prosecutorial investigation, for the accusation of arms trafficking, will last 30 days.
The first two fled with Colón Pico from the Riobamba prison in the early hours of January 9, 2024. The third has been described as a hitman who murdered a man in Guayllabamba in March 2023 and who was released thanks to a habeas corpus granted by a judge of Santo Domiongo.
More information is expected to be collected with the seven cell phones seized at the scene.
The five captured are described by the Prosecutor’s Office as members of the Organized Crime Group The Wolves. It has previously been said that Colón Pico is linked to Los Lobos, although he is not part of the group. In his possession they had weapons, ammunition, money, communication radios, among other evidence.
Pool, internet and all amenities
He general Freddy Sarzosa Guerrageneral director of Police Investigation, who directed the capture, has said that the ranch where Pico was located had a area of approximately 22 hectares and was dedicated to the production of cocoa.“He had a house, farm type, with all the comforts such as Internet, television, video games, an inflatable pool,” he added.
It has not been reported who owns the property.
When the police arrived at the farm, they were met with bullets. In her possession, 36 9 × 19 mm caliber ammunition, four cell phones and US$7,300 in cash were found. At the time of his capture, Colón Pico had a different haircut, which he had dyed platinum blonde.
Disciple of Mama Lucha
When Colón Pico fled from the Riobamba prison, in January 2024, he had been accused of leading a criminal gang that would have organized the assassination of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio and of plan that of Prosecutor Diana Salazar. He had not spent even a month in prison after he was captured at dawn on January 5, in the El Condado sector, north of Quito, in the framework of an investigation into the kidnapping of a citizen, which occurred at the end of anus.
Alias Colón Pico, or Captain Pico, has about 17 arrests and 30 judicial proceedings for homicide, robbery, drug trafficking, extortion, and others. In August the Police said that he would be behind that gang to operate south of Quito.
Raid cars
Although he is currently linked to the Los Lobos gang, in 2012 the then Minister of the Interior, José Serrano, identified him as part of the Los Endara gang, led by “Mama Lucha.”
His first arrests date back to the 1990s, when he was accused of robbing the highways while wearing police clothing. In March 2013, when he again fell into prison, he was already described by the newspaper El Universo as the “leader” of his own gang. At that time he was detained on a farm in the Playa Chica compound, three hours from the Nanegalito parish, in the northwest of Quito.
The agents surprised Pico when he was sleeping on the bed of the house and his accomplices were trying to flee.
The investigations of twelve agents from different elite Police units indicated that Pico would be the leader of a gang dedicated to the assault of armored vehicles and commercial premises. A year later, a judge released him.
Armed arm of Los Lobos
The last time he was captured, in 2019, he was accused of extorting Quito taxi drivers, forcing them to pay them thirty dollars a week.
By 2023, when his name is considered as one of the possible executors of the murder of former presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, it was already said that he handles all drug trafficking in Quito and its surroundings. And to do this, he has set up a structure in which he recruits criminals who are dedicated to all types of crimes, such as robbery, extortion, small-scale trafficking and hitmen, according to the report. newspaper El Nacionalfrom Caracas.
El Nacional, which does not cite sources, assures that Fabricio Colón Pico also operates as the armed wing of the criminal group Los Lobosthe second largest criminal gang in Ecuador.
According to research, Los Lobos have ties to the Mexican cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación. Its operations center is in the Cotopaxi prison, located one hour from the Ecuadorian capital.

#Judge #orders #preventive #detention #Colón #Pico