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Judge Montreuil Handles Family Matters

Association aide divorce

Address family affairs judge Montreuil

Address family affairs judge Montreuil

Family court judge at the following address:

Judicial Court Montreuil
High Court Bobigny 93000
Courthouse 173 Av Paul Vaillant Couturier

01 48 95 13 93

Functions of the Montreuil family court judge

Essentially the Montreuil family affairs judge is competent to hear actions relating to: divorce and legal separation procedures, their consequences, the determination of the holders of parental authority and the conditions for its exercise, the procedures for exercise of relations between a child and his grandparents and finally to the guardianship of minor children.

How to seize the family affairs judge of Montreuil without a lawyer?

You can contact the Montreuil family affairs judge by sending him a letter. You must indicate your surname, first name, date and place of birth, address as well as those of your opponent and the reason for your request. You can contact the Montreuil family affairs judge by mail or by going to court. Keep copies of the request and the documents that you will attach to this letter. Representation by a lawyer is not always mandatory depending on the subject, but it is recommended given the consequences that certain court decisions may have. If you are looking for a divorce and family affairs lawyer in Montreuil click here.
To seize the family affairs judge of Montreuil, you must imperative to communicate certain documents:

  • Copy of your identity document;
  • Full copy of your birth certificate;
  • Complete copy of the birth certificate of each child concerned by your request;
  • Full copy of your marriage certificate and your family record book if applicable;
  • Copy of the judgment of divorce or legal separation;
  • Copy of any other court decision related to your family situation.
Résumé de la page Adresse juge aux affaires familiales de Montreuil : en principe l'association d'aide au  divorce  AAD propose un avocat en divorce sur Montreuil. Celui-ci est signataire des chartes de l' Association. Si vous vous posez des questions concernant ce qu'il faut savoir sur le thème Adresse juge aux affaires familiales de Montreuil, n'hésitez pas à demander notre avis en laissant une question. Nous ferons en sorte, dans la mesure du possible, qu'un avocat vous éclaire gratuitement.
Divorce Proceedings Questions

Questions asked about the Montreuil family court judge

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I was told to go to the family court judge in Montreuil for my children. Where should I contact him and how?

Montreuil Family Affairs Judge

Please give me the contact details of the family court judge in Montreuil.

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