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Judge dismisses Donald Trump’s lawsuit against CNN over ‘The Big Lie’ expression

CNN will be able to continue using the expression « The Big Lie » (the big lie, in French). A federal judge in Florida has dismissed former president and potential 2024 election candidate Donald Trump’s lawsuit against the US media CNN . He was claiming $475 million in damages from the channel.

Read also : UNITED STATES. A program on CNN, and Trump reignites the debate on his place in the media

A reference to Nazi ideology?

Donald Trump blamed CNN the use of the expression « The Big Lie » to qualify the statements of the former tenant of the White House, who claimed that the 2020 election had been his “volley” by current President Joe Biden. Donald Trump argued that with this expression, the chain made a parallel between him and the Nazi ideology of Adolf Hitler. For him, « The Big Lie » relates directly to a tactic of Adolf Hitler, mentioned in my fight.

Florida federal judge Raag Singhal was appointed by Donald Trump himself, who filed his complaint in October 2022. Raag Singhal justified his decision by saying that the comments of CNN were not defamatory as they constituted the opinion of the channel.

“No factually false statements”

“The use by CNN of the phrase “The Big Lie” in connection with Trump’s electoral challenges does not give rise to a plausible inference that Trump advocates the persecution and genocide of Jews or any other group of people”he wrote. “The Court finds Nazi references in political speech (made by any ‘side’) abhorrent and repugnant. But bad rhetoric is not defamation when it does not include factually false statements.added the judge.

The relationship between Donald Trump and CNN was tense throughout his tenure, with the former president often accusing the channel of being behind disinformation campaigns about him, which he called a « fake news ».

2023-07-29 16:07:35

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