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Judge denied ordering Luis Videgaray, reports Carlos Loret

The Attorney General’s Office (FGR), requested an arrest warrant against Luis Videgaray, but did not prosper, according to the journalist Carlos Loret de Mola.

Loret de Mola, columnist for EL UNIVERSAL reported on his Twitter account that he would give more details on the Latinus website. He advanced that “This is confirmed to me by top-level sources in the Judiciary and the FGR. They explain to me that the Prosecutor’s Office can rethink their request and insist on obtaining the arrest warrant.

In another message he wrote:

“The 100-page document was presented to the Judicial Branch raising the arrest warrant against Videgaray. My sources confirm that the Judicial Branch” batted “the document, and the FGR retreated to rearm the petition and try again to obtain the order.”

On the site of latinus It is read that according to the document the Prosecutor’s Office seeks to accuse Videgaray of an electoral crime, two crimes of bribery, one of criminal association and one of treason, five in total.

“In the arguments of the Public Ministry, the crime of treason would consist of having promoted illegally and through bribes from individuals the approval of structural reforms that ‘would subject the integrity of the nation to foreigners.’

Videgaray would have carried out “acts against the territorial integrity of the nation by managing and promoting, in August 2014, Structural Reforms in order to subject the nation to foreigners by providing them with contracts for the exploration and extraction of oil and hydrocarbons.”

The electoral crime would be configured by delivering resources of $ 1,664,000 to Enrique Peña Nieto, during his campaign for the presidency in 2012, managed with the Odebrecht company and that came from bribes abroad.

Regarding a first crime of bribery, Videgaray is pointed out “to provide assistance to Peña Nieto so that, during his presidential term from 2012 to 2018, he would receive from the companies Odebrecht and Braskem an amount of approximately 5 million 850 thousand dollars and 84 million of pesos to carry out unjust acts related to their functions ”.

In a second allegation of bribery, “Videgaray is accused of delivering between September 2012 to August 31, 2015, the amount of 121 million 500 thousand pesos to legislators.rnesto Javier Cordero Arroyo, Jorge Luis Lavalle, David Penchyna Grub, Ricardo Anaya Cortés, among others, in order for them to cast their vote in favor of the Constitutional Reform in Energy Matters, “according to Latinus.

Regarding the crime of criminal association, “the FGR affirms that Luis Videgaray made bribes to legislators in agreement with President Enrique Peña Nieto and executives of the companies Odebrecht and Braskem, for which it presumes a network of a group of people to commit illegal acts and obtain personal benefit from them.

However, the FGR did not obtain an order from a judge to arrest him and will reformulate it again.

Luis Videgaray leaves MIT and moves to Israel: García Soto

On October 10, the columnist Salvador Garcia Soto he reported in his EL UNIVERSAL column that videgaray left Boston to move to Israel.

“Although in Mexico it is not yet known how much progress the Emilio Lozoya case has made and if the Attorney General’s Office has managed to prove some of the accusations made by the former director of Pemex to various politicians of the PRI, PAN and former PRD members who Today they are active in Morena, some of the defendants in that process do not think to wait until January 2021, when the deadline that the FGR asked the judge to investigate and prove Lozoya Austin’s accusations expires, to protect themselves legally and physically from a possible folder judicial against him.

That is the case of the former Secretary of Finance of the Peñista administration, Luis Videgaray, who is one of the main accused by Lozoya and also one of those who are most attentive to what happens with the investigations of the FGR. Videgaray must have learned something, through his lawyers, that very close sources say that the one who was the strong man of Peña Nieto has decided to leave his current job at MIT, as director of the World Project on Artificial Intelligence Policies, to search refuge and residence in Israel, a country where he would try to protect himself from a possible extradition to Mexico due to the complicated and demanding nature of the Extradition Treaty between the two countries, “García Soto wrote then.

“Despite the fact that Videgaray had just received in September the full support of the directors of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who gave him their support to remain at the institution, after the request of a group of students who demanded that he be given Withdrawal from the academic staff of the institution due to the alleged acts of corruption he committed as a public servant, the former Mexican Foreign Minister seems to have chosen to seek protection against an eventual arrest warrant by the FGR and for this he chose Israel, himself The country where the former director of the Criminal Investigation Agency of the PGR, Tomás Zerón, fled, on whom an extradition request from the Mexican government to Tel Aviv already weighs.


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