Home » News » Judge Cecar Arif Rachman Arifin The reason the laptop broke: If it’s destroyed, it will be burned

Judge Cecar Arif Rachman Arifin The reason the laptop broke: If it’s destroyed, it will be burned

TIME.CO, Jakarta – The panel of judges questioned the former deputy head of detachment B of the Paminal Office Arif Rachman Arifin regarding the vandalism of the laptop used to view CCTV footage at the crime scene Brigadier Joshua.

In case of trial obstruction of justice or obstruct the investigation into the murder of Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier Yosua, for whom Arif is the crown witness.

Initially, the jury questioned Arif Rachman Arifin’s reasons for damaging Baiquni Wibowo’s laptop which was used to watch CCTV footage showing Brigadier Yosua still alive.

“Did you know that Baiquni secretly kept the registration data?” asked the judge in a trial held in the South Jakarta District Court or South Jakarta District Court on Thursday, December 22, 2022.

“You know Your Majesty,” Arif replied.

The judge then questioned Arif’s intention to destroy the laptop containing the recording of Joshua still alive. Arif said at the time he was just following orders from his boss, the former head of the Propam division Polri Freddy Sambo.

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“Why are you breaking the (laptop) again?” the judge asked.

“Because he was ordered to destroy His Majesty,” Arif replied.

So the judge was surprised why the order to destroy Ferdy Sambo resulted in the act of breaking a laptop.

“What was destroyed? If it’s destroyed, it’s burned, it’s destroyed,” the judge said.

“Ready,” Arif replied.

The judge again asked Arif about the purpose of breaking the laptop. Arif was silent for a moment.

“What was destroyed, did you say it was destroyed? Physically?” asked the judge.

“Ready,” Arif replied.

“Or electronic documents?” the judge asked again.

“Your Majesty’s laptop,” Arif said.

“Has the laptop been destroyed?” the judge asked.

“Ready,” Arif said.

Arif also explained his purpose in breaking the laptop so that Joshua’s still-living recording files would disappear.

“So what? So that the data is lost? No longer applicable?” the judge asked.

“Yes, your majesty,” Arif said.

In the previous trial it was revealed, after confronting Ferdy Sambo in his room on July 13, 2022 at 8.30pm WIB, Arif Rachman Arifin met with Chuck and Baiquni in front of the pantry in front of Ferdy Sambo’s room to file a file deletion request. So, Baiquni asked for permission to first backup personal files on her laptop before formatting it.

The next day or Thursday, July 14, 2022, around 9:00 PM WIB, Baiquni Wibowo came to meet Arif Rachman, who was in his car and said that all files or contents on his laptop were clean. Then Baiquni put the laptop in the driver’s back seat and left.

At around 11pm WIB, Hendra Kuniawan called Arif Rachman via WhatsApp to ask if Ferdy Sambo’s order had been carried out. Arif said the command to delete the files had completed.

The next day Arif Rachman Arifin hacked up the black laptop with his hands. The damaged laptop was placed in a green paper bag or bag and placed on the front seat of the car. Furthermore, the paper bag or envelope containing the broken laptop is kept at his house.

“On August 8, 2022 at around 5pm WIB, Arif Rachman Arifin, voluntarily handed over to investigators of the Directorate General of Crimes a black Microsoft Surface portable unit which had been broken into several parts and was not working,” in the prosecution’s indictment .

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