Alone or in a small group but always equipped with his equipment, Jérémie, 36, has been scouring the corners of Cagnac-les-Mines for more than a year and a half in search of Delphine Jubillar, who disappeared on the night of December 15 to 16 2020.
He did not know her before her disappearance, although she remembers having “crossed paths” between Albi and Cagnac-les-Mines, where he was doing gardening work at the time. Jérémie, a 36-year-old Albigensian, now devotes much of his free time to searching for Delphine Jubillar, the Tarn nurse who has been missing for two years now and whose body has not yet been found. “This story touched me,” explains this amateur of TV shows devoted to criminal cases. “And since it’s close to our house, I couldn’t sit idly by. I really want to help.” After losing his job after a long absence due to illness, this search keeps him busy waiting to carry out other personal projects. “It’s been about a year and a half since I’ve dedicated myself to this.”
It was with his sister and mother that he began the “citizen hunts” in Cagnac-les-Mines, within a small group initially led by the couple’s nanny Jubillar, parallel to the searches carried out by Delphine’s friends. Over the weeks, she has “naturally taken over” the nanny to animate this group of 3 to 5 people. “It always goes on, every Sunday, and I go alone the rest of the week.”
It travels the corners of Cagnac-les-Mines
Cap screwed on his head, equipped with a multi-pocket vest with flashlight, compass, whistle and even a first aid kit, he wanders around the recesses of the old mining city hoping to come across clues. Jérémie knows the place well: he spent part of his childhood there, with his grandparents.
Equipped with his metal detector, Jérémie has sometimes taken part in certain hunting trips organized by friends of Delphine Jubillar, such as here last June. around the Cagnac-les-Mines cemetery.
When conducting his research, he carries with him a metal detector, which he bought a few years ago to “find treasures”, but also an endoscopic camera that allows him to scan rock cavities and magnets to probe ponds, lakes and swamps.
Many efforts, so far in vain. But Jeremy doesn’t despair and continues to walk through the area around Jubillar’s house. “Most people search by sight, i.e. look for a body on the surface, which I don’t believe in today. I search more in the ground. Area by area, I go through everything with a fine tooth comb with my metal detector. There it takes a long time, it’s far from over.”
He also has another theory, the “deep feeling” that Delphine Jubillar’s body is not underground but at the bottom of the water, “in the Tarn or in the Cérou”. She then intends to use her powerful magnets, which she has used before this case for fishing, in order to rake in the funds and collect whatever she can. “What I’m missing is a boat, or at least a boat.”