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Jubilees in Latvia and Around the World: Ernests Gulbis, Andy Roddick, Cameron Diaz, Warren Buffett, and More

Jubilees in Latvia

In 1988, Ernests Gulbis – tennis player, now the president of Latrvia Tennis Union.

The excellently playing Swan defeats the powerful del Potro

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In 1985, Mārtiņš Počs – actor.

In 1975, Ilze Pence – violinist.

In 1974, Kristīne Kurzemniece – the former deputy chairman of the Central Election Commission.

In 1974, Vidaga Putniņa – former member of the board of JSC “Latvijas Naftas tranzīts”.

In 1966, Ainārs Platacis – sworn lawyer, who disappeared.

In 1966 Modris Liepiņš – walker.

In 1960, Sergej Osokin – pianist.

Three Osokins concert in Dzintari concert hall

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In 1956, Pēteris Salkazanovs – member of the board of SIA “Jelgavas busu parks”, president of the Latvian Passenger Transport Association.

In 1954 Andrejs Vilks – criminologist, politician.

In 1950, Juris Silovs – track and field athlete, competed in sprint distances, winner of two Olympic medals (died in 2018).

In 1942, Aleksandrs Viļumanis – conductor.

In 1926, Olģerts Grāvītis – composer and musicologist (died in 2015).

In 1895, Juliāns Vaivods – clergyman, licentiate in theology, cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, church historian and writer, knight of the Order of the Three Stars and the Cross of Merit (died in 1990).

In 1859, Jānis Bērziņš – lawyer, founder of the Council of Sworn Lawyers of Latvia.

Jubilees in the world

In 1989, Bibi Reige – an American singer and songwriter.

In 1982, Andy Roddick – American tennis player, US “open” winner, Davis Cup winner, was the world leader.

In 1979, Juan Ignacio Cella – Argentine tennis player.

In 1977, Kamil Kosovskis – Polish football player.

In 1972, Cameron Diaz – American actress.

Cameron Diaz with husband Benji Madden

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In 1972, Pavel Nedved – Czech football player.

In 1963, Paul Oakenfold – British musician.

In 1962, Alexander Litvinenko – former colonel of the Russian Federal Security Service (died in 2006).

In 1958, Anna Politkovska – Russian journalist (died in 2006).

In 1954, Alexander Lukashenko – President of Belarus.

Thousands of Lukashenko’s opponents in Minsk’s Independence Square

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In 1939, John Peel – English radio DJ (died in 2004).

In 1935, John Phillips – American singer (“The Mamas and the Papas”, died in 2001).

In 1930, Warren Buffett – an American businessman, investor and philanthropist.

In 1912, Edward Milzs Purcell – American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (died in 1997).

In 1884, Teodor Svedbergs – Swedish chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (died in 1971).

In 1871, Ernest Rutherford – New Zealand physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (died in 1937).

In 1860, Isāks Levitāns – Russian painter (died in 1900).

In 1852, Jakob Henrik fan’t Hoff – Dutch chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (died in 1911).

In 1797, Mary Shelley – English writer, author of “Frankenstein” (died in 1851).

In 1784, Jacques Louis Davids – French painter (died in 1825).

In 1705, David Hartley – English philosopher (died in 1757).

Events in Latvia

In 2005, the Munchausen trail, which is the longest aspen wood footbridge trail in Europe, is opened today in Dunte, Liepupes parish, Limbažu district. The total length of the trail is 5.3 kilometers and various episodes of Munchausen’s stories await hikers along the entire length of the trail. Along the trail, various characters from Munchausen’s stories have set up their homes – an ice bird’s nest, a mad dog’s hut, a sleeping giant, a lion in a crocodile’s throat and various other story characters in the form of wooden figures.

In 2004, the National Accreditation Bureau of Latvia celebrates ten years of operation, during which the bureau accredited 160 institutions.

In 2003, the 3rd Latvian Milk Festival will take place in Jelgava, Herzogs Jēkab Square and its surroundings.

In 2003, the Riga City Council held an open day, which was attended by almost 600 people. The guests of the City Council are introduced to the history of the Riga City Council building, the city’s development plans and the work of the departments. The mayor of Riga, Gundars Bojārs, also receives guests in his office.

In 2002, in Riga, the Ministry of Economy, in cooperation with the National Economy Council and “Latvijas Hipotēkus und Zemes Banka” organizes the first “National Forum of Small and Medium-Sized Entrepreneurs 2002”.

In 2001, the premiere of Imanta Kalniņš’s 6th Symphony was held at the Latvian National Opera.

In 2000, the Constitutional Court rejected the application of opposition members of the Saeima to declare as invalid the bans in the Saeima and Municipal Elections Law on the candidacy of persons who worked in organizations banned in Latvia after January 13, 1991, and persons who were employees of the KGB of the USSR.

In 1999, the Minister of Defense Đirts Valdis Kristovskis in a solemn ceremony presented the Navy Commander Gaidis Andrejs Zeibots with insignia certifying the acquisition of the rank of admiral.

In 1999, the finalists of the contest “Mrs. Globe ’99” came to Riga.

In 1998, the Latvian Revival Party picketed in Riga’s Central Station square, drawing public attention to the demographic crisis in Latvia.

In 1998, the academic bookstore of the University of Latvia was opened in Riga, at 12 Basteja boulevard.

In 1918, Fridrichs Briedis, military officer, colonel, died. As a company commander of the Daugavgrīva Latvian rifle battalion, he participated in the battles near Misa and Ķekava, as well as the Christmas battles, and then worked in several Latvian organizations. Arrested in August 1918 and shot in Butirki prison.

In 1915, during the First World War, the first congress of Latvian refugee organizations was held in Petrograd. It is considered to be one of the first congresses organized by Latvians, which raised the issue of the Latvian nation and its fate during the war in the Russian Empire.

In 1721, the Northern War ends with the Treaty of Nystad. Sweden gives Russia Vidzeme, Estonia, Ingria and part of Karelia with all cities and fortresses. The centuries-long rivalry for dominance in the Baltic Sea is coming to an end. In the clash of economic interests of Sweden, Denmark, Poland and Russia, Russia wins, resolving the Baltic issue in its favor.

Events in the world

In 2005, the floods caused by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans broke the reinforcements of the 17th Street Canal, almost completely flooding the city and causing extensive damage.

In 2003, the World Trade Organization agreed to allow poor countries without their own drug industries to ignore patent rights and import cheaper drugs to fight HIV/AIDS.

In 2002, North and South Korea agree on the restoration of rail and road traffic across the border.

In 2001, the rebels of Papua New Guinea and Bougainville signed a peace agreement, ending one of the longest conflicts in the South Pacific.

In 1999, the people of East Timor overwhelmingly voted for independence from Indonesia in a referendum. 99% of East Timor’s eligible voters participated in the vote.

In 1995, at the age of 53, one of the founders of the legendary rock band “The Velvet Underground”, the American guitarist Sterling Morrison (born in 1942), died.

In 1991, Azerbaijan declared its independence from the Soviet Union.

In 1990, Tatarstan declared its independence from the Soviet Union.

In 1984, the reusable spaceship “Discovery” goes on its first flight.

In 1982, after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Yasser Arafat, leaves his headquarters in Beirut.

In 1981, Iranian President Mohammad Ali Rajai and Prime Minister Mohammad Javad Bahonar were killed in a bomb blast at the Iranian Prime Minister’s office in Tehran.

In 1980, striking Polish workers won a decisive victory in their struggle against the communist regime, gaining the right to independent trade unions and the right to strike.

In 1973, Kenya banned elephant hunting and ivory trade.

In 1963, a direct line of communication between the Kremlin and the US White House is opened to reduce the risk of an accidental war.

In 1957, American Senator Strom Thurmond from South Carolina broke the record for the longest speech in the US Congress, speaking against the Civil Rights Act for more than 24 hours.

In 1945, British forces liberated Hong Kong from the Japanese.

In 1944, the Russian army seized the Ploiesti oil fields in Romania from the German forces, depriving Germany of an important fuel source.

In 1941, when German forces stopped the last rail traffic to Leningrad, the siege of Leningrad began, which lasted until January 18, 1944 and claimed the lives of 1.1 million people.

In 1940, the English physicist Joseph John Thomson, who discovered the electron in 1897, died at the age of 83.

In 1932, Hermann Göring was elected president of the German Reichstag or parliament.

In 1928, Jawaharlal Nehru founded the Indian Independence League to achieve India’s independence from British rule.

In 1918, Fanya Kaplan shot and seriously wounded Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin.

In 1916, Turkey declared war on Romania.

In 1914, in the Battle of Tannenbrag in the First World War, German forces surrounded and destroyed the Russian Second Army, whose commander Samsonov committed suicide.

In 1873, Austrian explorers Julius von Payer and Karl Weiprecht discovered an archipelago in the Barents Sea, which they named Franz Josef Land, in honor of the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I.

In 1850, Honolulu, Hawaii becomes a city.

In 1835, the Australian city of Melbourne was founded.

In 1813, the alliance of Austria, Prussia and Russia defeated the French forces in the Battle of Klum.

2023-08-29 23:29:00
#Actors #Mārtiņš #Počs #Cameron #Diaz #celebrating #tennis #star #Ernests #Gulbis #celebrating #congratulations #anniversaries

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