Home » today » News » Juan Sutil fully in tune with La Moneda: the president of the businessmen also “pulls his ears” at Congress and criticizes Desbordes for withdrawing AFP funds

Juan Sutil fully in tune with La Moneda: the president of the businessmen also “pulls his ears” at Congress and criticizes Desbordes for withdrawing AFP funds

The president of the Confederation of Production and Commerce (CPC) Juan Sutil entered the debate between the Executive and the Congress as a result of President Sebastián Piñera’s call for attention to legislative procedures and his announcement to install an expert committee to suggest improvements in admissibility matters.

In interview with The Mercury, the business leader aligned himself with the President’s “tugging of ears” at Congress, noting that “we have been spectators of a series of situations that are occurring in the country in matters of unconstitutionality and lack of prolixity in the creation of laws”, adding that “some parliamentarians who are promoting this are falling into populist acts and those who are following them with their votes too.”

“The important thing is that senators and deputies act with sanity and responsibility. I can not understand that there is a group that is not giving the width, “he added.

In the opinion of the business leader, “what they do is that they are generating an institutional framework that is corroding, cracking. That institutional framework and that security to the rule, the countries that are violating them are transforming into more insecure countries ”.

In this context, Sutil warned that “if our country continues to deteriorate institutionally, what will happen is that we are going to lose the ability to invest.” Furthermore, the president of the CPC ventured that “the foreign company is continuing to bring its capital.

President Sebastián Piñera’s attack on Congress has generated a complex climate. The Legislative interpreted his words as a “threat” to the autonomy of that state power, and even the president of the Constitutional Court, former adviser to Piñera, María Luisa Brahm, entered the debate, with an unpublished statement asking for respect for the Constitution.

In Chile Vamos, the announcement of La Moneda does not attract consensus either, to the point that the very table of the Chamber of Deputies – controlled by the ruling party – expressed its dissent with the initiative. Other leaders in the sector, such as Mario Desbordes, Manuel José Ossandón and Gonzalo Fuenzalida, also disagreed, and only a few, such as the senator from Evópoli, Felipe Kast, guarantee that the President will “throw his ears” at Congress.

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In particular, the business leader criticized the president of the National Renewal, Mario Desbordes, who has folded to the withdrawal of 10% of the pension funds of the AFP, despite the rejection generated by this idea in the Executive.

“I think Mario Desbordes is wrong. I absolutely disagree on withdrawing 10% of the pension funds, ”said Sutil.

Furthermore, the CPC president pointed out that the RN leader “has stated his position regarding some things that are populist in my opinion and may even go as far as outside the framework of law or the constitutional framework of law.”

Sutil insisted on his outright refusal to touch pension funds, arguing that they are “precisely to build a retirement, you cannot gamble with those savings” and said he expected the Supreme Court to reverse the ruling of the Antofagasta Court of Appeals that Cuprum was ordered to reimburse the funds to the retired teacher María Angélica Ojeda.

“I imagine that the Judiciary that guarantees all Chileans, including me, will correct according to the Constitution and the law,” he said.

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