Home » today » News » Juan Manuel Urtubey asked that “we react to change the course” of Argentina POLITICS El Intransigente

Juan Manuel Urtubey asked that “we react to change the course” of Argentina POLITICS El Intransigente

in times of elections, it is common for politicians to resort to set phrases to depict situations. However, sometimes there is room for statements stripped of simplifications and loaded with crudeness and sincerity. This is how the presidential candidate was heard this Tuesday, August 9 Juan Manuel Urtubeywho in radio statements maintained that “burns the soul” the current situation of the Argentina.

Juan Manuel Urtubey It was shown on Radio Continental, within a tour of the City of Buenos Aires and different national media. There, he was consulted as usual about the economic and social situation that the country is experiencing, and he spared no details to describe it. «It hurts my soul to know that Argentina is in a completely wrong direction“, he assured.

«For 40 years we have insisted on a pathand I think you have to go for a completely different one,” continued the presidential candidate, who will compete in the PASO with Juan Manuel SchiarettYo. For months Urtubey has been making this call to generate a change of direction in the economic outlook. And he maintains the importance of aiming for growth and a development model.

In these statements, the former governor of Salta left a “bath of humility”, as they say in politics. He went by stating that he is not bound by the aspiration to a position but by “changing the country’s agenda”, his main engine. «If to achieve this I have to be President, I will be. If I don’t have to be, I won’t be, and that’s okay. The important thing is that Argentina change the course because I feel that as we are, we are going to be worse and worse, “he continued.

Juan Manuel Urtubey’s request to society

Urtubey also had time to make a call to society. «We have to react. I want to help us react“, he stated. As usual, in the interview the Salta leader also criticized both the current management and that of macrismo. And he once again defended the need to formalize a broad anti-crack space in which they work to add more weight members together with Schiaretti.

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