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Juan David Cuesta enjoys the experience of playing in the FUTVE League

Juan David Cuesta enjoys the experience of playing in the FUTVE League

For Juan David Cuesta it was quite a challenge to come to the FUTVE League, the first top division championship in which he played in his sports career, already at 24 years of age. Carabobo is the club that bet on this Colombian, who more than pays for the opportunity by winning his first elections to the Ideal XI, both on the third and fourth days of this contest.

He took over the position of right back in Enrique García’s lineups and has already accumulated 346 minutes, already attached to what it is like to play in the country after being a few years away from the highest level of competition. “That adaptation is given more than anything by the team, by the preseason work, the work of the coaching staff, which has helped me a lot to establish myself and gain that confidence that one needs to face each game,” the New Granadan told us.

For him, playing in Creole football represents an important possibility to grow in his career. “It is a league that is growing, where more players come out every day and other leagues come out and they are performing, they are doing things very well, now in Colombia there are Venezuelan players at a very good level, who are doing things very well and that It is very important, playing here is a great opportunity where one can show oneself and go to other places and continue growing”, he said.

The fact, in addition to establishing himself quickly within the industrial cast, gives him credit for being able to perform at once, as he has done at the start of the tournament. “The responsibility belongs to everyone, to the whole group, to do things well, individually, to do things well and defend, which is the first thing to be well positioned, be attentive and as the game is played, go attacking, I really like attacking , but first of all the defensive responsibility, which is paramount, having the zero”.

His election to the Ideal XI last week was achieved after having 67 percent effectiveness in centers, 86 in disputed wins (seven he had, in total), 67 in attacking disputes, 100 in defensive disputes, 100 above; also total percentage in dribbles and ball steals. He recovered seven balls, dribbled once, had one tackle, had seven interceptions and also had as many rejections.

That philosophy is very close to what the capital strategist wants, who has been a leader of the Valencians since the beginning of the year. Cuesta has learned a lot from his instructions. “The truth is very important for my career, my learning, because one as a person first of all, day by day has to be learning, be in continuous learning and the teacher is a very demanding person, where he demands a lot of perfection, every day at maximum and it is the only way to continue growing”.

The ex-helmsman of Aragua has shown his skills on the bench in terms of promoting players. “The important thing is that you find people like that, who demand of you to be better, and I am also grateful to him for his trust, to the coaching staff for his trust and to continue learning from him, a person who also played soccer and something very important also because he realizes that it is what one needs and to continue learning from him”.

Cuesta celebrated the first victory

One of the most ambitious projects for the current season is the one exhibited by the Cabriales squad, which hired more than 20 new soccer players, including the one born in Antioquia, so after their first three presentations, the fact of not having victories in his credit could create some desperation, but everything calmed down with the victory of the previous date against Mineros (3-1, in Valencia).

“Obviously, it is important to win, in confidence, to add three to three, which is the important thing, because a few games ago this result was elusive and well, thank God we were able to win in confidence as well, because we needed it. In the three previous dates we were not given the results, we did things well, but we need this emotional momentum, also because adding three creates a good atmosphere”, highlighted the “lightning” Cuesta.

In any case, they do not intend to stop there, because they want to “continue fighting there and continue working in the same way so that we continue along this same path”, as he warned. “That atmosphere of wanting more grows, and from then on things get done.”

In that sense, it is their turn to show progress against one of the teams that is in better shape, Noel Sanvicente’s Zamora, which has not lost and will receive them at the Misael Delgado stadium in the capital of Carabobo.

“We are going to do our job, the same as always, to look for the match, we are going to continue working, to catch the ball, which is our identity and to propose, to propose, we are at home and we want to make it respect”, Cuesta, the which praised the barineses.

“I would think that Zamora comes with a very good performance, they have players who have been doing things well, they have the championship scorer and that is something to talk about, but we are also working, so we are going to go for the three points”, closed the player from neighboring country, which hopes to take advantage of every moment of being in the FUTVE League. / Pablo Alejandro Rondón – FUTVE League Communications

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