A few months ago, Juan Canal appeared publicly for the first time and caused a great social commotion when he openly declared that he was the brother of the well-known Spanish actor Eduardo Noriega. The artist, who has always been very secretive about his personal life, was shocked and preferred to ignore the struggle of his alleged relative, as well as the questions of journalists, the numerous headlines, etc.
According to Canal, when the actor’s father, Pío Noriega, was 19, he had a relationship with a domestic worker named Inés, who became pregnant at 36. He was born as a result of that romance, which would explain the 40-year age difference between the two brothers.
Actor Eduardo Noriega at the Forque, in 2024
Jesus Briones / GTRES
After many years of struggle, the man has died at the age of 88 without being recognised by the courts as an official member of the Noriega family. As confirmed by El Español, Juan Osuna, a lawyer specialising in celebrity affiliation issues who was in charge of Canal’s legal case, has stated that the deceased’s children will continue to fight and that the matter is now in the hands of the Constitutional Court, so there will be updates very soon.
It should be noted that, as stated in some programs such as Espejo Público, Canal had DNA tests done with Pío Noriega (son) and there was a 99.9% match, which would confirm said relationship.
Juan Casal, Eduardo Noriega’s alleged brother, tells his story to Ana Rosa Quintana in TardeAR
During all this time, the actor from Tesis, Una pistola en cada mano, Inés del alma mía, El Lobo or Abre los ojos has remained completely silent on this subject. However, Juan Canal spoke of an encounter that they both had, an awkward moment that the man did not remember fondly: “He didn’t smile at me, he was very dry.”
A tireless struggle
One of the last public appearances of the deceased was just a few weeks ago on the Telecinco programme La vida sin filtros. ”I challenge Eduardo Noriega, with all the gentlemen here as witnesses, with all of Spain as witnesses, to take a DNA test with me and this story begins or ends,” the man said in a frustrated tone on the programme presented by Cristina Tárrega.
“I don’t want anything that isn’t mine, that isn’t my father’s, but there has to be justice,” he explained on another occasion on the TardeAR program while making it clear that he was seeking to restore his mother’s honor and the public recognition that she had not had in her entire life.