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JP Lihau decrees the end of disparities in treatment between public officials of the State

From now on, the agents and civil servants of the Congolese state will have the same treatment. Whether they are in Kinshasa or in the provinces.

The VPM in charge of the Civil Service, Modernization of the Administration and Innovation of the Public Service has decided to restore equity and justice between agents after many years of frustration.

In the capital of North Kivu, he officially decreed on Friday September 3, 2021, the end of the disparities in the treatment between public officials of the State. On the spot, Jean-Pierre Lihau met with the military vice-governor of this province which lives under the state of siege. On the occasion, he explained the reasons for his visit to North Kivu. The head of public administration is in Goma, he said, to reactivate the functioning of public administration services in North Kivu. Which will also have to adapt to the new dynamic of modernization, cleaning of duplicates and fictitious as well as the regularization of the pay of all those who work for the Congolese State.

Thus, in his agenda, JP Lihau planned to discuss with the heads of different administrations to take stock of the situation of public officials with the aim of putting an end to “the disparities in treatment” observed between the different sectors of the government. public administration, particularly between those who work in Kinshasa and those who work in the provinces.
“It is no longer acceptable to continue to maintain a double-speed administration in our country”, recalled the VPM of the Public Service, whose determination to unify the administration, by creating a mattress of equity between different agents working in Butembo, Moanda or Kinshasa, no longer needs to be demonstrated.

The VPM Lihau also announced the modernization of the framework and the working tool for all civil servants. After Goma, Jean-Pierre Lihau goes to Bukavu in South Kivu, the last stage of his tour to finalize the operation of the provincial data collection aimed at completing the constitution of the reference files of the public administration.

Ambitious and committed to transforming public administration, Lihau ensures that the process will extend to all 26 provinces. It aims to modernize the public administration. The operation involves controlling the workforce, regularizing the payroll for all civil servants and regular advancement in rank within the public administration.

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