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Jovenel Moise’s constitutional referendum “seriously jeopardizes Haiti’s future” alerts former President Jocelerme Privert

Sunday, May 30, 2021 ((rezonodwes.com)) – Less than a month before an illegal and contested constitutional referendum could be held, the former provisional president of Haiti, Jocelerme Privert, came out of his silence to prevent the dangers of this reform ” without full respect for the established procedures« .

« Any contrary initiative would derail the whole process and seriously jeopardize the country’s future.“, Warned Mr. Privert, the only one of the three provisional presidents, if we exclude the putschist Prosper Avril, to oppose openly against this macabre project of Jovenel Moise. The 2021 Constitution that the PHTK regime seeks to impose on the country, according to Jocelerme Privert, could irremediably lead Haiti ” towards a return to the old demons and dictatorial reflexes which constitute a serious threat to the pursuit of the happiness of the Haitian people by the democratic way« .

President Privert, who noted the various opportunities missed by his successor Jovenel Moise, well before the end of his constitutional mandate on February 7, to proceed without contesting the amendments to the mother law, underlined that it ” wants to impose on the country “A Constitution” without having conducted a prior transparent and inclusive consultation with political actors and organized sectors of society« .

Finally, Mr. Privert, who has always refrained from publicly criticizing the calamitous management of Jovenel Moise, since his withdrawal from the National Palace on February 7, 2017, insisted that ” the Haitian people, through its different components, have clearly expressed their refusal to accept this imposture, threatening the democratic balance established in the country after so many years of efforts, struggles and human sacrifices against the dictatorship« .

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