Home » today » Entertainment » Jova Beach Party, environmentalists on a war footing: “It must be stopped”. Jovanotti replies: “The beach is back better than how we found it”

Jova Beach Party, environmentalists on a war footing: “It must be stopped”. Jovanotti replies: “The beach is back better than how we found it”

Years go by, but the controversies always remain the same. Three years after the previous edition, the Jova Beach Partydespite the support of WWF Italia, continues to be fulcrum of protests by environmentalists. Already from the announcement of the return of the tour on the beaches of Jovanotti some discontent from some associations linked to the environment had reappeared, just like in 2019. Then before, during and after the first two stages in Lignano Sabbiadoro (2 and 3 July), with 60 thousand people present, voices of dissent were added with respect to what happened. The photographs of the location that immortalized thousands of fans on the beach did enrage environmentalists and the LIPU, who underlined how such events have a dangerous impact on delicate and precious coasts. Today more than ever, considering that compared to 2019 the situation of the general ecosystem is worsening from year to year. This was stated by Legambiente in its report on the beaches: “The erosion of Italian beaches is increasing in a climate crisis scenario. Coastal erosion processes are underway, affecting approximately 46% of the sandy coasts, with the stretches of coastline subject to erosion tripled since 1970. So the sandy beaches are being eroded and Italy has already lost about 1,700 km of shoreline. While the high coasts are subject to collapse “. In short “The beach is not a disco”. The controversy flared up on social media, with some users wondering how the environmentalist intent of the event was married to the photos that immortalized a beach trampled by 60 thousand people. Some spectators also underlined the fact that inside the concert area you could drink, but from plastic bottles and that, yesTokens were always made of plastici.e. tokens that are used during concerts to pay for food and drinks.

As things stand, the Jova Beach Party will land in Marina of Ravenna on the seafront for the double appointment of8 and 9 July with a double sold out. And even here the situation is delicate and now “famous” due to a felling of a 65-meter row of tamarisk trees to make room for the concert area. The banner, which appeared on the beach, has become viral – taken up by many posts on social media – with the words: “65 meters of tamarisks felled for Jovanotti, in forbidden period (for nesting). Mayor, did you authorize it? Wwf, Fiab (National Federation of the Environment and Bicycle, ed), environmentalists where are you? “. Francesca Santarella of Italia Nostra (National Association for the protection of the historical, artistic and natural heritage of the Nation) explained to Daily fact: “The concerts will take place at approx 75-100 meters from the state nature reserve ‘Pineta di Ravenna ‘and ReteNatura 2000 which falls within the Po Delta Park, places protected by environmental regulations, where the environmental and landscape authorization would be required (DPR 357/1997) which has not yet arrived”.

But in the face of all these criticisms how does the person concerned respond? In the latest press release, linked to the launch of the Jova Beach Party in Marina di Ravenna, Jovanotti writes, also subtly referring to what has been discussed in these days after Lignano Sabbiadoro: “The beach is back better than we found it, thanks to the work and care of this aspect, but above all thanks to the collaboration of all the Jova Beach public. It is a great event that lasts all day, designed with the in mind sustainability goals, not only respecting laws and regulations but going much further, realizing in every possible way a vision of the world that holds together the spirit of rock’n’roll and attention to the environment without using random words, but doing things better that you can!”.

Added to this is the fact that on social networks the artist shared an interview with The paper by Gaetano Benedetto, director general of the WWF who, essentially, points the finger at “ideological environmentalism”. Benedict explained that he was implemented a protocol by the Trident organization to identify the most suitable locations for the events. Ad hoc studies have been carried out on the environmental impact, also evaluating the proximity of protected areas. Another important element was the study for the parking spaces, transits and the influx of participants in the Jova Beach Party, so that there was no invasive environmental impact. And finally the statement that smaller events, such as DJ sets and beach parties that are often held throughout Italy in the summer season, actually do more damage to the environment because the flow and entry of machines is not controlledas well as waste that is not properly disposed of after the show.

It should also be added that in the announcement of the resumption of the Jova Beach Party, Jovanotti announced, in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo and WWF Italia, the Ri-Party-Amo environmental project which “acts on three development areas: Clean Italy with the aim of cleaning 20 million square meters of beaches, lakes, rivers and sea beds; – reads the press release – We reconstruct nature to carry out 6 macro habitat restoration actions. We train young people with a training plan for more than 250,000 students, 8 university workshops, scholarships and educational programs for the school ”.

One to one ball in the center? We bet that the matter will not go away in the next few days and that we will continue to see back and forth, on both sides of the fence. Meanwhile, all the stages of the Jova Beach Party – which will go on until 10 September with the grand finale at Bresso airport (Milan) – remain confirmed. Also because it is unthinkable that the organizational machine will stop, when permits have already been granted by the municipal authorities. In fact, all the mayors of the cities involved in the tour participated, in audio and video links, in the press presentation last November.

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