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Journalist Beatrice Torrini – Cronaca died at 42

Figline Incisa (Florence), 24 December 2020 – A terrible, unexpected news has shocked our editorial team and makes this Christmas Eve very sad for all of us: Beatrice Torrini died in the night. A sudden illness, which to those around her seemed like a bad dream and instead was the worst nightmare: her last breath. Beatrice Torrini, 42, was the Valdarno correspondent for La Nazione. It had become one for some years, chosen by us, sought after, wanted. And she was happy about that. How happy she was with everything in her young life she did. The moment he was living was also very happy: the passion for wine, the satisfaction of writing, and the return to her land, since, from Florence where she grew up, she moved three years ago to the estate of Ettore Ciancico, her life partner.

From the land she had drawn her first love: she specialized in oenology, and followed and directed various events and reviews focused on wine. Then with great commitment she dedicated herself to the chronicle of the territory: she did her best to meet the needs of readers every day, direct witnesses of a enthusiasm that emerged between the lines of the reports he wrote daily, with precision, accuracy, and above all a lot of attention and sensitivity towards the people involved. Witnesses of this, among the many who addressed her daily, the workers and trade unionists of Bekaert who trusted in her professionalism, the mayors, the councilors and the advisers of the Valdarno who counted on her to inform the citizens objectively, then traders, entrepreneurs, representatives of the world of volunteering, many names, faces, souls that she never (and no one ever) would have thought she would have to leave so soon. The Valdarno is now an orphan, orphan of a voice that was the voice of all.

The funeral will take place on Saturday 26 at 10.30 in the church of Matassino (via Giovanni XXIII), near Figline Valdarno and the parents’ house. For a final greeting, it will be exhibited from today in the chapel of Mercy in Piazza San Francesco in Figline Valdarno.

To father Marco, to mother Miralba, to his brother Simone, to Ettore, all of us who knew, appreciated and loved her, extend the condolences of La Nazione.

A note of condolence came from Paolo Gandola, metropolitan councilor Forza Italia – Center-right for change, Maria Serena Quercioli, group leader Liberi di Cambiare Campi Bisenzio, Gianni Baudo, municipal councilor mixed group Campi Bisenzio: “Having learned the sad news, we join the Collective condolences for the sudden death of Beatrice Torrini. Attentive and rigorous journalist, friend of facts and truth, Beatrice was a critical and passionate pen, in love with her territory. For this reason her death grieves us deeply. In our personal name and of the political communities we represent we send heartfelt and sincere condolences to all loved ones ”.

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