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Journalist and ex-president save 83-year-old Russian woman from drowning (Updated)

Grandma Katerina, who escaped from the war, is now well, staying in the hospital for 24 hours

An elderly woman in the sea, lying on her back, but with her arms outstretched – this is what Bulgarian journalist Krasimira Hendry sees while walking on the beach in the morning. The woman’s posture puzzles her and the journalist realizes that she is unconscious.

She calls her husband for help, another man runs in, in whom Krasimira, who has been working for the BBC World Service for years, recognizes the former Bulgarian president.

The story has a happy ending, the woman is saved, and Hendry purposely does not name the president, as the important thing in her words is that he is just a man.

The journalist herself told the incident on her Facebook profile. Here is her story, the meaning of which is important because, according to Krassimira, “we were all human beings saving another human being!”:

“I didn’t mean to write these days. Not even at all. I will anyway, if for no other reason than because what happened this morning matters. At least to me. Bear with me, this is going to be a long post.

There was a thunderstorm last night. It wasn’t beach weather this morning. Despite everything, we decided to jump in the car and go to a rather remote place. We have arrived. The beach is empty. Just us and a family some distance away. And the owners of the bar. Wonderful people!

I decide to go for a walk. And two hundred meters away, literally on the shore, I see an old woman with a “worm” for swimming. In the water with her arms straight, but lying down. Quite a strange position for someone who is both lying and swimming. The red lights came on that something was wrong, but after a few seconds I shouted to myself, Krassimiro, calm down the ball, it’s okay, my wife is knitting… I turned to leave. However, the desolate sixth sense ..

I turned AGAIN and things became clear. She is now almost unconscious. I started yelling for my husband to come help get her out. He pulled her with two jumps. We did it. We have both studied first aid. If you know how much a relaxed body weighs!!! We turned her aside, she started throwing up water.

The family that was nearby came immediately. A tall, burly man began to help. I recognize a former President of the Republic. The woman with him turned out to be a doctor. Everyone got involved. We called an ambulance. The grandmother turned out to be Russian. At 83. We switch from English to Russian. We all have shaky hands, but mine especially.

We find a connection with the grandmother’s daughter. She has a very old phone in her bag. The daughter is coming right away. The ambulance is coming. It’s been about an hour. It could have been more, time just stopped!

We take turns to massage the back and so that it can expel the water from the lungs. She drowned. The grandmother will remain in the hospital for 24 hours. Before they took her to the stretcher I kissed her hand and she grabbed Phil’s hand and started kissing it through the oxygen mask

I ask the tall man, Are you who I think you are? He says yes, but this is no time to talk politics. He is smiling. I agree immediately! What politics it was, we, a group of strangers, had just rescued 83-year-old Katerina, who had fled the war. Politics is a dirty business, we all know that. Grandma Katerina left in the ambulance, we shook hands, thanked each other like old friends and parted ways.

That’s it, friends. I don’t care at all who is from which political party as long as he has a heart and doesn’t cover himself when it comes to reacting! Have a nice day and take care. You are all important in this life, no matter which party you support! I won’t tell you who it was, it doesn’t matter. He was human! We were all humans saving another human being!”

Georgi Parvanov corresponds to the description given by Krasimira Hendry of the former president. His predecessor, Petar Stoyanov, is currently not at sea, “24 Chasa” found.

Parvanov is known to like to rest with his children and grandchildren. And his daughter-in-law Tsvetanka – the wife of his older son Vladimir, is a doctor in a large metropolitan hospital.

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