Home » today » World » Jour lies because it is paid by Soros, says a spokeswoman for the Hungarian government

Jour lies because it is paid by Soros, says a spokeswoman for the Hungarian government

The Czech European Commissioner has repeatedly criticized the situation around the Hungarian media and pointed out the restrictions on freedom of speech in Hungary. For this, she earned criticism from Kovács for not growing into the role of a European Commissioner and compromising herself with her statements.

“The Hungarian government continues to call on EU Commissioner Jour to resign,” a spokesman on Twitter added.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Hungarian Justice Minister Judit Varg recently called on Jourova to dismiss her interview with German magazine Der Spiegel. Among other things, she said that Orbán was creating a “sick democracy”, called the state of the media environment in Hungary alarming and claimed that the vast majority of Hungarians probably no longer had a chance to form a free opinion, because there was hardly any criticism of the government in the media. .

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