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Josep Rull, elected new president of the Parliament

The previous councilor and president of the Nationwide Council of Junts, Josep Rull, was elected this Monday as the brand new president of the Parliament with the help of Junts, ERC and CUP, which have added 59 deputies.

Rull has gained the second vote towards Sílvia Paneque (PSC) – who has obtained 42 helps – after, within the first, no candidate for the presidency of the Parliament has achieved absolutely the majority of the Chamber, a minimal of 68 deputies. of 135.

After the election of the presidency of the Chamber, two extra rounds of voting are carried out: to elect the 2 vice-presidents of the Parliament Board and the 4 secretaries.

First vote

Though the vote is secret and is completed by way of a poll field, within the first vote Rull has achieved the help of the 35 deputies of Junts, Paneque the 42 of his group, whereas ERC and CUP – which add as much as 24 seats – have opted for a clean poll.

For his or her half, the 15 deputies of the PP have voted for his or her candidate, Pere Lluís Huguet, whereas the 11 representatives of Vox have supported their deputy María García Fuster, and the six of the Comuns have supported Susanna Segovia, whereas the 2 deputies of Aliança Catalana (AC) have solid a null vote, wherein they’ve written ‘Estat català’.

Second vote

Within the second vote, Rull added the votes of the pro-independence events -Junts, ERC and CUP-, Paneque these of his parliamentary group, and PP, Vox and Comuns voted clean whereas AC as soon as once more solid null votes. within the urn.

With this session, the Parliament has given the beginning sign to the fifteenth legislature and those that will make up the Desk of the Catalan Chamber can have of their palms to designate the candidate who will current themselves first for an investiture: the socialist candidate, Salvador Illa, or effectively that of Junts, Carles Puigdemont.

The session is chaired by the oldest deputy within the Chamber, Agustí Colomines (Junts), assisted by the 2 youngest as secretaries, Mar Besses (ERC) and Júlia Calvet (Vox).

Votes of Puigdemont and Lluís Puig

In actual fact, the Age Board has accepted on this Monday’s session the vote of the three deputies who fled overseas, Carles Puigdemont and Lluís Puig (Junts) and Ruben Wagensberg (ERC) – in his case on medical depart – .

All of this after Colomines, in his speech on the inaugural session, referred to as it an anomaly that the three elected deputies “nonetheless reside in exile.”

After this, the chief of the Catalan PP, Alejandro Fernández, has warned that they’ll current an enchantment for defense to the Constitutional Courtroom (TC), and the Vox deputy Joan Garriga has demanded the ground to request the reconsideration of the delegated votes and that convene a Board of Spokespersons to rethink the choice of the Age Board, a request that has been denied.

Switch between presidents

As soon as the voting is over, the brand new seven members of the Board will put on the Parliament’s Medal of Honor and the president will tackle the Chamber.

If a president completely different from the one of many present legislature is elected, it’s custom that the earlier one delivers the letter that the final president of the Parliament in exile, Francesc Farreras, despatched from Mexico in 1980.

The president of the Catalan Chamber is the second authority of Catalonia and amongst his features are these of building and sustaining order in discussions, directing debates and complying with and imposing the laws.

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