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Josef Laufer’s daughter refuses to resign, doctors are not optimistic – eXtra.cz

The daughter of the singer Josef Laufer (81), who ended up in artificial sleep for many months last year, showed a huge love for his father, when eXtra.cz announced that no matter who wants what he wants, even if he is a bit of hope, he will not give up the idea of that Dad would get up again and go home with her. Is it medically possible at all?

Josef Laufer: What’s wrong with him?

About the specific health condition of the father Ester Lauferová does not speak However, doctors have generally warned before that even after the end of long-term artificial sleep in such cases, a vegetative state often occurs..

The point is that the patient often breathes spontaneously (sometimes not), is not unconscious, but does not perceive. In similar cases, three months after non-traumatic brain injury (for example due to circulatory arrest) indicates vegetative state as permanent.

Ester Lauferová: Touching care

If that’s the case darling of part of the Czech and Slovak audience Josef Laufer, we have no idea, but according to some experts, it can be expected to some extent even according to a simple analysis of the daughter ‘s words.

“I buy music for my dad, I order him various music. AND hI read to him from now on. Even in English, because Czech, even though he spent most of his life here and speaks excellent Czech, is not his first language. I try differently. Then I also tell him the news in my life in Czech, “she described for eXtra.cz daughter of Laufer.

“There is still a chance. And as long as it is, it is our duty to do the maximum for it. Some would say that the chance would be just a miracle, but I think it’s worth fighting for. “ Ester firmly believes.

Doctors: Praise to the family, but…

According to the addressed doctors, such care and faith are important for the patient and the family.

“It shows great moral strength, great love for the patient. One thing is that statistically in such a very long-lasting apallic syndrome, in addition, after several months of artificial sleep in a man of old age, the prognosis is generally rather, say, highly positive“The second thing is that the patient is a human being, no number in the table,” points out the eXtra.cz editorial staff, who, due to the sensitivity of the case, did not want to publish his name.

“I’m not saying there’s a good chance Mr. Laufer will actually recover fully, but even such cases, although not many, are described in the literature. And family care can also make a significant contribution, ”he added.

Bad news?

Another doctor who works directly with similar patients, as a fan, keeps his fingers crossed for Josef Laufer, but he immediately says that the chances in these conditions are not really the highest.

“According to the daughter’s description, it looks like nothing has changed in more than a year, which is usually not good news from a medical point of view. It’s definitely very good that the family doesn’t give up, however that period is medically considered to be cross-border.

I can’t talk about a patient for whom I don’t know the medical records, but in such cases I would a return to normal life really equaled a miracle. Unfortunately, this situation is much more usually unchanged and lasts for various lengths of time until the very end, ”he draws on his experience.

According to him, after such a long time, the family will also appreciate the care of paramedics. There is a risk of bedsores, and if a person is not in a vegetative state, it is a sign that they are being cared for in hospital.

Care for vegetative patients

“We can take care of such patients today. It is important for loved ones to know that the paramedics and their family members do not give up and receive the best possible care throughout the hospitalization, “added the doctor.

Despite all skeptical prognostic views, however, fboth the Anouš and the family of Josef Laufer hope that it is with him that the mentioned miracle will actually take place and he will give them joy again, if not again by singing, then at least by living happily in the circle of loved ones.


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