Home » today » Entertainment » Josef Laufer is still in the hospital: he is losing millions as a result

Josef Laufer is still in the hospital: he is losing millions as a result

In March 2020, the popular actor Josef Laufer fell into a coma and has been torn between life and death ever since. Before that, however, he was very successful at work and completed the musical Treasure Island, on which he could earn millions. But now he will lose them, because he will probably not go to the premiere.

The actor Josef Laufer went to the hospital more than a year ago in March for a rather banal operation, during which, however, his heart stopped working for a while. But the doctors threw him back in a moment and it looked like everything would be fine. Unfortunately, it turned out differently and Laufer did not wake up from the anesthesia.

It all happened before the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, and the actor slept virtually all the horrible times we had to spend the last year and a half in artificial sleep to allow his body to recover. Unfortunately, unnecessarily, even after waking from artificial sleep, the actors’ health did not improve.

Before the operation, Josef completed preparations for the musical Treasure Island, which could not be started due to the pandemic, and now that the theaters are starting to play, Laufer’s health is in the way again. The musical would certainly become a hit of this season, but now it seems that it will not see the light of day yet.

The theater does not want to complete his musical for ethical reasons

The theater is said to be hesitant to start for ethical reasons. The producer of the Broadway Theater, Oldřich Lichtenberg, even commented on this.

“We are planning a children’s performance, which we will delay for ethical reasons. It is Treasure Island, which he prepared, wrote lyrics and was to be directed by Pepa Laufer, the music was made by Zdeněk Hrubý. We are waiting for Pepík to finish it, but…! We could finish it without him, but for ethical reasons we don’t want that, “he said for Aha!.

If the actor could complete the project, he would come up with beautiful money as the author of the theme, director and lyricist. Unfortunately, his health condition does not allow for completion, and the theater intends to respect this for the time being. He prefers to replace the musical with another. Heavenly Love will be played with songs by Waldemar Matuška.

However, the actor’s condition still looks the same and is not improving

Unfortunately, it does not look, even according to the last words of the actor’s daughter Ester, that Laufer’s condition should improve significantly. After fourteen months in artificial sleep, he is still only partially conscious.

“Dad’s health is still the same, not much has changed in recent weeks,” she told pro super.cz daughter of Esther.

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