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Josef Imholz, President Neues Altdorf, believes in the location

Review and outlook

President of Neues Altdorf: “Local trade is needed despite the Internet”

Retailers and service companies are badly shaken by Corona. Nevertheless, Josef Imholz looks to the future with confidence.

Josef Imholz, President Neues Altdorf, is convinced that the new vouchers are an additional incentive to shop in Altdorf.

Image: Markus Zwyssig (Altdorf, December 17, 2021)

Times have become more difficult for retailers and service companies. “Nobody would have thought that the federal government and government would one day tell us to close our shops,” says Josef Imholz, President of Neues Altdorf. “That was very radical and there was a lot of uncertainty – especially at the beginning.” The warehouses were full and the various vendors could not sell anything. In many places there was a lack of cash.

However, it was soon noticed that there was good support from the state. Imholz addresses short-time work compensation and Covid loans. “Both of these helped us a lot.” And yet: “Nobody would have thought that this pandemic would last so long and repeatedly lead to changed situations and new restrictions.”

The internet became competition

Online trading experienced an upswing during this period. “People were motivated to order on the Internet,” says Imholz. And because many have tried it out successfully, they would continue to order on the Internet in the future, he is convinced.

Even if the specialist trade has lost to the Internet, it is clear to the 53-year-old co-owner and managing director of Imholz Sport that the local shops still have their place: “A lot of customers have deliberately waited until we open again, to support local businesses. Many are happy to have a personal contact point. We are there when there is a problem and expertise is required. ” If people only shop online, the lifeblood in the village will disappear. “It’s important to buy and consume locally.”

New vouchers are intended to offer additional incentives

Are there any shops in Altdorf that had to close due to Corona? Josef Imholz answers the question in the negative. The President of Neues Altdorf is not aware of any such case. “In many cases, that was perhaps a good reason to keep a shop closed for a longer period of time or to force a change of ownership.” But it still makes for a successive shop life. One or the other will still close.

“Many today are no longer ready to take on responsibility and take the risk of starting their own business.”

Around a hundred retailers and service providers are part of the New Altdorf Association. The number has remained relatively at around 100 members in recent years. The new Altdorf vouchers, which will be introduced in mid-January, should also offer added value. You can print them out or download them to your mobile phone. They can be redeemed at most of the shops and restaurants that are part of Neues Altdorf. The previously known Altdorf money is running out. The vouchers are not issued by the UKB like the Altdorfer Geld, but now in cooperation with Uri Tourismus AG.

Imholz calls for more attractive connections from the cantonal train station to the city center

Josef Imholz sees the new canton train station as an opportunity. “But now you also have to create an inviting connection between the train station and the village,” he says with certainty. There are various projects such as setting up flags or a course with puzzles. “It would be extremely important if these good ideas were finally implemented. The mills grind too slowly. ” When the travelers get off at the train station, they should be welcomed in a friendly manner. “We have to show the outside guests where to go to the center and make Bahnhofstrasse correspondingly more attractive.” In the village itself, if the corona situation allows it, they want to focus on various events in order to make shopping an experience for customers.

But there are also limits. The catchment area is limited. You cannot compete with agglomerations like Lucerne or Zug. “The big chains, which would contribute to a greater shopping experience, do not come to Altdorf.” Nevertheless, he appeals to go shopping in Altdorf. “We train a large number of apprentices and regularly support the various clubs,” he says, adding some other advantages.

Wrapped shop windows made you think

Commercial coach Roman Schön is available to assist the retail trade and service companies with advice and action. In 2019, the shop windows of many shops were covered. This made it clear to everyone what if there were no more local shopping opportunities. “That was a very intensive experience for customers,” says Imholz. A short time later it really had to be closed. Now he hopes, and so do many with him, that the situation will soon ease. And he is confident about the future: “We have very loyal regular customers. Very many have come back after the officially ordered closings. It would be nice if we could win one or the other customer, one or the other customer. “

“We have to stand out from the major distributors and from the Internet,” says Imholz. “With us everything is much more personal. We have to build on that. ” And he is convinced: “If we are there for our customers, are friendly and offer good service, then we have a good chance that we will still be around 20 years from now.”

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