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José Ribagorda, winner of the Escaparate Award for his journalistic career

  • The award recognizes José Ribagorda’s more than 35 years of journalistic career

  • The award was given by the ‘Escaparate’ magazine, which celebrated the 18th edition of these awards on Friday night.

  • “I have faith and confidence that I still have a lot of history to write,” he said when accepting the award.

He presenter from the weekend edition of Informativos Telecinco Jose Ribagorda received on Friday night a Showcase Awardan award that recognises his more than 35 years of journalistic career. “That’s why he’s not here today,” explained the presenter of the weekend edition, David Cantero, who congratulated his co-star.

The award was given by the ‘Escaparate Magazine’ which celebrated the night of Friday 18th edition of these awardswhere the work of other professionals such as the communicator Carlos Sobera or the national coach Luis de la Fuente was also recognized. “These awards in need the excellence in different fields such as journalism and the communication And there (of course) our Pepe deserved all that recognition,” Leticia Iglesias also celebrated from the set.

The journalist received the award at the Museum of Fine Arts of Seville for his work presenting and editing for more than 35 years, 18 of them at the helm of different editions of Telecinco news programmes. “I have faith and confidence that I still have a lot of history to write,” he said when collecting the award.

“Grateful and excited”

This Saturday, José Ribagorda thanked the award also on social media with a post on his account Instagram: “Grateful and excited by the Escaparate Award for a lifetime achievement that I received last night in Seville. Three decades reporting with the greatest rigor and honesty that I could and that I extended to the people who trusted me, mainly Luis Mariñas and Pedro Piqueras, to Mediaset for the freedom with which it has allowed me to work, to the extraordinary weekend team that has made it all possible by always multiplying efforts to cover the many information challenges that we have had to face, to the tireless work of the delegations, special envoys and correspondents and from the heart to my wife Loles and my daughter Alexia, engines of my life.”


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