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Jorge Rodríguez: the right has no proposal for the country

The vice president of communications, Jorge Rodríguez, considers that the extreme right has nothing to offer the people in these parliamentary elections, “there is no intention to consult ideas and that they only have hatred,” he said during his speech at the meeting streaming of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, led by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro

«Of the few things that these extremist sectors of the right had, some slogans, some proposals and intentions to sell a package to deliver Venezuela to US imperialism, they have already shed all those appearances and they only have hatred, which is the only thing they express ».

Rodríguez wanted to reflect on the responses and reactions of the extreme right to all the actions – by the National Government – that have been developed to face the battle against covid-19, before which he assures that the opposition has only expressed hatred and obstacles.

“Hatred is the exit of the brutes, so it has been made clear that there is no proposal from the extreme right, nor an intention to consult ideas, but that they are trapped in hatred, remaining deeply isolated, because this pandemic has shown in everyone that only solidarity and brotherhood saves saves, ”he said.

He considers that in the face of this context, of universal crisis, due to the situation of the pandemic, this choice must be marked by unity, solidarity and encounter. He also stressed that this society “is being besieged by the most aggressive forces in the world.” However, he assures that “this election is the most democratic that Venezuelans have experienced in history”, referring to the increase in seats in the new National Assembly.

“All electoral guarantees are ratified, participation and supply are increased by raising to 277 seats, an even greater number than the current one, so that Venezuelans will have more options, increasing democratic participation, the democratic offer, greater than current. Each Venezuelan will have a greater representation in the National Assembly.

  • 48 deputies per national list
  • 130 nominal deputies
  • 96 regional deputies
  • 3 indigenous people (elected by ancestral mode)

«It is the most democratic election in these years of the Revolution. The call is for national unity. Just as in 2017 a call for Peace in the country was made through the National Constituent Assembly, not only for the Chavistas, but for the opponents who were fed up with the traffic jams in the streets of Chacao or Baruta. This election is for national unity against the greatest aggression that the country has ever experienced.

In Rodríguez’s view, “the opposition shed all these false appearances that paint them as democrats. They only have hatred left, the only thing they express is hatred, and they do not recognize that what has allowed this battle to defeat Covid-19 is love and solidarity, ”Rodríguez emphasized.

“It is the first time that a Venezuelan politician – referring to Juan Guaidó- agrees to hand over the Essequibo territory to the country with which we have the controversy, as a gift to ingratiate himself with the now defunct British empire. It is the first time that a Venezuelan politician has dared to photograph himself with paramilitary narcos (Los Rastrojos). It is the first time that a Venezuelan politician has dared to sign a contract to US mercenaries worth millions of dollars in exchange for the wealth of the Republic for an armed incursion into Venezuela. I doubt that a Venezuelan opposition, who has voted in the elections since 1999 for the opposition, agrees with handing over the Guayana Esequiba, or negotiating the western border with paramilitaries or with a foreign invasion … »

Rodríguez insisted that this should be the election for national unity. “Each vote will tell all the people of Venezuela and especially foreign countries, that the will of the people of Venezuela must be respected. He is not Donald Trump. He chose one of his acolytes, but he does not elect the deputies of Venezuela. Duque does not elect the deputies of Venezuela, Bolsonaro does not elect the deputies of Venezuela, it is the Venezuelan in the deep catacombs of the people, who must elect each of the 277 deputies, it is the millions of Venezuelans, whom we have to lead in this campaign.

Rodríguez also commented that in this electoral campaign “the platform will be sad, without the owner of all the platforms of the acts of Chavismo,” he said, referring to the loss of the voice of Chavismo, the revolutionary militant Darío Vivas.

“President, you have just given us a joy, by placing the name of Darío Vivas on the unitary campaign command, you ratify the sentiment of the Chavistas. We are going with Darío to fight, ”said Vice President Rodríguez.

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