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Jorge Montoya asks that news about crimes not be on the front page so that “the population does not feel threatened”

Jorge Montoya asks that news about crimes not be on the front page so that citizens do not feel threatened

In the middle of the citizen insecurity crisis and the government’s decision In Boluarte to declare 14 districts of Lima and Callao in a state of emergency, the congressman Jorge Montoyaof Honor and Democracy, made a singular request to the media.

Last Friday, September 27, when approached by journalists in the Lost Steps hall, to give his opinion on the measures adopted by the Executive After the strike of transport companies, the parliamentarian took the opportunity to ask the press to stop reporting news regarding crimes of extortion and crimes, as this generates panic among the population.

“They have to collaborate, the entire population has to collaborate, and the media even more so. You have to lower the intensity of the citizen insecurity. The intensity comes through the news, if every day I hear news that they are killing people, I will panic going out into the street and I will create a problem, not a solution. “We all have to collaborate on this, to have positive results,” he said. Montoya.

The congressman from Renovación Popular does not agree with the declaration of emergency imposed by Dina Boluarte. Photo: Congress

After this invocation, a journalist asked him if his intention was that in the press Cases of deaths due to extortion are no longer published, to which the congressman indicated that if these events are disseminated, it should not be done on the “front page” to give peace of mind to citizens.

“They should not be put on the front page, they can be given in another way, not exaggerated, so that the population does not feel threatened. The threat exists, it is real. I’m not denying the threat. “I’m talking about how to manage the population, which is the one that suffers, all the anguish they have, due to the information they receive every day, due to the issue of crime,” he added.

After making this invocation, he used his social networks to reaffirm his request to the press. In a statement published that same day, I ask journalists to report with transparency and to assume their responsibility for the well-being of citizens.

“With due respect to the professionalism that characterizes responsible media, I call for journalism that not only informs with transparency, but also assumes responsibility for the well-being of citizens,” begins the publication published on its website. account of

Statement from Jorge Montoya

In the second part of his statement, he asks that the news coverage be changed and that it focus more on the problems caused by the citizen insecurityin order to avoid generating panic.

“While it is essential to report the facts truthfully, we must avoid creating an atmosphere of panic or insecurity through an overexposure of negative news. “I urge the media to focus their coverage on the root causes of the problems that afflict us, thus contributing to a more constructive debate that allows us to find real solutions for our society,” he adds.

Montoya not only questioned the way in which the media covers the wave of crimes that hit the capital, he also questioned the measures announced by In Boluarte to counter this crisis, such as the state of emergency.

State of emergency

For the parliamentarian, the declaration of a state of emergency will not solve the cases of extortion, on the contrary, it will harm workers and businessmen, since they will not be able to open their businesses normally.

Likewise, he said that the state of emergency is a short-term solution, that what is really needed is to do intelligence work and that this is something that will take time.

“The government is forced to take measures that are useless. That measure of curfew It would be fatal for the economy of the people who have the least,” he said.

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