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Jorge Mendes will offer fans to the Viana hospital

The Ponte de Lima City Council will carry out an awareness project for all families returning from large metropolitan areas and other parts of the country, so that they comply with a two-week quarantine period, to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus.

Víctor Mendes told O MINHO that, as of this Monday, all houses in the municipality will receive a letter expressing this request, waiting for the mayor to comply, and may even lead to intervention by the authorities if they do not.

“At the moment we are concerned about our fellow citizens who circulate within the national territory, many of them with second homes in Ponte de Lima and who usually live during the year in large metropolitan areas such as Lisbon or Porto”, said the mayor.

An appeal is made to these citizens to avoid returning to Ponte de Lima during this pandemic phase, but if they do, it is necessary to ensure the period of prophylactic isolation recommended by the Directorate-General for Health.

This issue, transversal to several of the municipalities of Minho, motivated a meeting between Civil Protection authorities, including the mayors, where it was exposed that this will be the greatest risk for the inhabitants of the municipalities, especially in the villages of the interior, where the population is mostly elderly and is included in risk groups.

Víctor Mendes thus appeals to the common sense of his fellow citizens, stressing that the municipality is making every effort to minimize the propagation effects of Covid-19 in Limian territory. As of Saturday, there were no confirmed records of infection in the municipality, according to the mayor.

14 dead and 1,600 infected confirmed

The number of confirmed cases of infection with the new coronavirus, which causes Covid-19 disease, has risen to 1,600 cases in Portugal, announced this Saturday, the Directorate-General for Health (DGS), 320 than on Friday. Are confirmed 14 deaths.

Source: DGS

They were confirmed two more deaths compared to Saturday.

There is 1,152 suspicious cases awaiting results laboratory and five patients data like cured.

Of the 1,600 confirmed, 169 are hospitalized while the rest recover at home.

Source: DGS

exist 41 in serious / critical condition.

825 cases are in the North of the country, 534 in Greater Lisbon and 180 in the Center. Algarve has 35 confirmed cases, Azores four and Madeira seven. The Alentejo records five cases. There are still ten Portuguese abroad with confirmation of infection.

More than 300,000 cases worldwide

More than 300,000 cases of infection with the new coronavirus have been recorded since the beginning of the pandemic, according to an update of the count carried out by the AFP agency, released today, from official sources.

According to the news agency count, as of 9 am today, there were at least 300,097 infected people, of whom 12,895 died, in 169 countries and territories.

In China, where the pandemic started, 81,054 infected cases were recorded, of which 3,261 died.

In Italy, the country that is currently the most attacked by covid-19, 53,578 cases of infected people were verified, registering 4,825 deaths.

The number of Covid-19 cases counted by AFP only reflects a real fraction of the contamination, since a large number of countries only carry out the disease screening test for cases that require hospitalization.

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