Renowned argentine journalist Jorge Lanata remains hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires, according to a new medical report released on Friday afternoon. The report indicates that Lanata is currently “awake, afebrile,” and breathing spontaneously during the day, while requiring mechanical ventilation at night.
While recent weeks had shown signs of improvement in Lanata’s condition, a setback occurred earlier this week, prompting concern among his supporters. The esteemed medical team overseeing his care, led by Dr. Sergio Giannasi, head of the ICU, and Dr.Susana Bauque, head of the Intensive Care Service, continues to closely monitor his progress.
The latest medical update details Lanata’s ongoing treatment, which includes anticoagulants to address a deep vein thrombosis in his upper limb. He is also actively participating in motor and speech therapy rehabilitation, demonstrating a positive response.
Lanata was initially admitted to the Italian Hospital on June 14th due to respiratory issues. His condition fluctuated over the subsequent months, with periods of improvement interspersed with concerning relapses that posed a serious threat to his life. his daughters and wife,Elba Marcovecchio,have shared glimpses into his condition,noting that while he experiences moments of lucidity and can communicate,there are also times when he appears disoriented.
“Jorge was without fever, but he has an infection that the doctors are treating,” Marcovecchio stated in an interview on Thursday, offering reassurance about Lanata’s current status. “He is in the best place and very well treated. We all have a lot of faith. He is in excellent hands, the doctors anticipate every single thing. Here they saved his life six times.”
The unwavering support of his family and the dedicated medical team at the italian Hospital provide a beacon of hope as Lanata continues his journey toward recovery.
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