Joost Prinsen is currently writing a book about the grieving process after his wife Emma passed away at the beginning of this year. The title of the book is And Emma, the actor says in the program on Monday On 1.
“I have had a lot of support from letters I wrote with comedian Kees Torn when she was dying, and after she passed away,” says Prinsen (78). “And I wrote a lot of columns about her deathbed and the period after that. I wanted to do a little more with that.”
In the book he tells how grief overtakes him at the strangest moments. “When, for example, I called to have a payment stopped. That was only possible if I sent a death certificate.”
Prinsen also reflects on the self-pity that comes with mourning. “You get a completely different relationship with your children. Or with sex. Because for the first time in fifty years I am a free boy again. That’s very strange.”
It is not yet known when And Emma appears.
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