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Joost Prinsen: ‘I had to stop, otherwise I would have died’ | Stars

entertainment">Now that the years are counting down, Joost Prinsen enjoys even more the butterflies that he can still feel in the winter of his life. Long walks through the forests of Spaarnwoude are a favorite activity, despite the fact that nowadays a walking stick is needed as an aid.

entertainment">The benches he encounters along the way also offer a nice opportunity to rest for a while. He also regularly travels, together with his children and grandchildren, to his holiday home in the Belgian coastal town of Oostduinkerke.

‘Totally demolished’

entertainment">“You will notice that you are a bit older,” says Joost in conversation with Private† “That’s why I stopped presenting With the knife on the table† Before every broadcast I always had to edit all the questions and find out everything about the candidates in front of me in order to create a good product. You can only shake up a program for a while if you have prepared down to the last detail.”

entertainment">And with three to four recordings a day, it was almost impossible for Joost to do that anymore. “After the last shot, I was completely devastated. At a certain point, the joy of sitting behind that table no longer outweighed all the effort I had to put into my preparation. It simply cost me too much energy and if I hadn’t stopped, I would have died.”

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Joost Prinsen as presenter of With the knife on the table.

Joost Prinsen as presenter of With the knife on the table.


entertainment">And so Joost said goodbye to the popular program in 2015. Five years later, his wife Emma died at the age of 73, after which the presenter found love happiness with Noraly Beyer in 2021. In an interview with Female, at the end of last year, the former newsreader says: “It was a match that I had never thought of, so I can imagine that others were also surprised by it. I actually thought it was touching that our relationship made so many people happy. You’re never too old for love, I’m living proof of that. People said it gave them hope and I found that heartwarming.”

entertainment">Noraly is especially “very grateful” that her relationship with Joost at some point took on amorous forms. “I never aspired to fall in love again, nor did I ever consider that such a thing could still happen. It just happened to me. That is a wonderful gift and yes, it makes me happy and happy. But I was before that too. So I see it more as a new dimension to my life. A new wreath has come up around it, as it were, with lots of lights.”

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Noraly, at the end of last year in Vrouw: “I have never strived to fall in love again and have never considered that such a thing could still happen.”

awkward kissing

entertainment">When the couple’s relationship came to light last summer, Joost showed de Volkskrant know that during one of their first dates, he and Noraly “had been kissing a little awkwardly at the kitchen table like sixteen-year-olds on a porch.” In the interview with Female Noraly agrees that being in love in your seventies is different than when you are in your twenties.

entertainment">“I don’t think the feeling itself differs that much, but how you deal with it does. You both have a lifetime of baggage that you don’t have in your twenties. Those lives have to start mixing with each other. At least that’s what you hope. At the time, adventure played a bigger role for me: you throw yourself into something and you see what comes of it. When you’re older, you’re a little more aged.”

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