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Jonas Hiller: “Not every hockey player can cut their wages”

The Geneva-Servette HC players agreed last week to cut their wages for next season. A “gesture of solidarity”, agreed to help their club “to face the crisis linked to Covid-19”, which could be emulated in other professional sports clubs. However, contrary to a belief still widely held, not all hockey players – nor all footballers for that matter – roll on gold in Switzerland, and their point of view must also be taken into account.

This is the mission accepted by Jonas Hiller (38) by becoming president of the Swiss Ice Hockey Players ‘Union (SIHPU), the professional players’ union in Switzerland, immediately after ending his brilliant career as goalkeeper (two Swiss champion titles with Davos, 404 NHL games in nine seasons). In the ocean of current uncertainties, he holds a conviction as a buoy: his sport will only come out of the crisis cheaply by the cooperation of all its actors.

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