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Jomshof attack on Daniel Riazat: “Should move”

Published 2024-02-26 16.57




full screenV member Daniel Riazat. Photo: Lotte Fernvall

V member Daniel Riazat should “move from” Sweden.

That’s what SD leader Richard Jomshof writes on platform X.

– I think it’s a shame that such a person can hold that position, Daniel Riazat replies The Express.

Now that Riksdag member Daniel Riazat has been nominated for the position of party leader in the Left Party, SD politician Mattias Karlsson has spread a feature from P4 Dalarna.

In the feature, which was published in 2015, Daniel Riazat said that he does not want to live in the same apartment building as Mattias Karlsson. Both were politically active at the time.

Now Richard Jomshof, chairman of the justice committee, has shared the post further with the text:

“Daniel Riazat thus wanted to ‘move away from’ Mattias Karlsson. Personally, I think he should ‘move from’ Sweden”.

Richard Jomshof further writes that Daniel Riazat is a “shame for the Iranian diaspora”. The post now has more than 150,000 views and has received a lot of attention.

– Apart from the fact that it is very racist, there is nothing that will affect my political involvement… I think it is a shame that such a person can have the position that he has in a democratic society, Daniel Riazat tells Expressen.

“Thinks it’s a shame”

Riazat was elected to the Riksdag in 2014 and sits as a member of the education committee. Last week he wrote on social media that he had been nominated for the party board and the role of party leader by his party colleagues.

Jomshof: “downplayed and relativized terrorist organizations”

In a written comment to Expressen, Jomshof does not want to answer what he means by his post, but instead highlights the PKK action that Daniel Riazat participated in two years ago in Almedalen.

In pictures from the action, Daniel Riazat and his party colleagues hold up flags from the Kurdish organizations PKK, YPG and YPJ. The action was heavily criticized for making Sweden’s NATO application more difficult.

“I don’t expect an apology”

On X, Daniel Riazat responds to Jomshof’s statement.

“Of course I expect no apology from Nazis like Jomshof and Karlsson or from trolls like Beckman. But the Prime Minister should apologize for collaborating with and giving positions to people who want to silence free speech. It is not compatible with democracy”.

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