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Jokowi’s aggravation of his Ministers During the Corona Pandemic Page all

KOMPAS.com – President Joko Widodo ( Jokowi) again expresses his frustration with his helpers at Advanced Indonesian Cabinet related to corona virus pandemic management.

This time, as reported Kompas.com on Monday (3/8/2020), Jokowi was annoyed because the realization of the stimulus budget for handling Covid-19 was still minimal.

He said that when opening a limited meeting handling Covid-19 at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Monday (03/08/2020).

“I see that the matter of budget realization is still very minimal. Once again from the Rp 695 trillion of stimulus for handling Covid, only 20 percent has been realized,” Jokowi said.

“IDR 141 trillion has been realized, again only 20 percent, still very small,” he continued.

Jokowi also quipped a number of ministries that had not yet compiled the Budget Execution List (DIPA).

According to him, this shows that there is no planning regarding the budget that the ministry has.

Also read: Again, Jokowi Sentil the Ministers about the Low Realization of the Covid-19 Budget

However, Jokowi’s irritation with his ministers is not the first time this has been revealed.

In fact, related to the matter of handling corona, President Jokowi had several times expressed his frustration at the ministers.

Because of social assistance

President Jokowi expressed his frustration because there were still many who had not received social assistance (social assistance) for handling Covid-19.

Reported Kompas.comMay 19, 2020, he asked ministers not to make rules on the distribution of convoluted social assistance.

“Again, this requires speed. Therefore I ask that the rules be made as simple as possible, as simple as possible without reducing accountability so that implementation in the field can be flexible,” said Jokowi when opening a limited meeting through a video conference on Tuesday (5/19/2020).

Jokowi: WFH is actually on vacation

photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/tren/image/2020/08/04/060100065/kejengkelan-kejengkelan-jokowi-terhadap-para-menterinya-selama-pandemi?page=2" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:780px ">BETWEEN PHOTOS / HAFIDZ MUBARAK A President Joko Widodo gave a speech at the revolving fund distribution program for cooperatives at the State Palace, Jakarta, Thursday (07/23/2020). The Government through the Institute for Revolving Fund Management for Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperatives (LPDB-KUMKM) has prepared a revolving fund of Rp 1 trillion to be distributed to cooperatives in the context of recovering the national economy affected by COVID-19.-

Last month, on July 7, 2020, President Jokowi also insinuated his ministers. He feels work from home (WFH) done by the ministers even like a holiday.

“Do not let (like) three months ago we deliver work from home. Work from home. What I see, it’s like a leave of absence,” Jokowi said when opening a limited meeting on Tuesday (07/07/2020) the video was shown on the channel Youtube of the Presidential Secretariat, Wednesday (07/08/2020).

Jokowi asked all his ministers to realize that Indonesia was experiencing an economic and health crisis due to Covid-19. He asked his ministers to work faster and harder.

Also read: Jokowi Admits Covid-19 Death Rate in Indonesia Higher than Global

Aura crisis

President Jokowi asked all ministry posts not to lose the aura of crisis in handling the Covid-19 pandemic.

Jokowi also reminded his ministers not to reduce speed in working during the Covid-19 pandemic.

As reported Kompas.comOn July 27, 2020, Jokowi conveyed this when opening a limited meeting of the Briefing Committee of the Handling of the National Economic Recovery and Handling Covid-19 at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta.

“I want it at every post, both at BNPB, at the center, in the regions, at the committee, it looks very busy here and there, you know. That’s the aura of the crisis there,” Jokowi said in a virtual meeting on Monday (27) / 7/2020).

Jokowi is a threat reshuffle

photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/tren/image/2020/08/04/060100065/kejengkelan-kejengkelan-jokowi-terhadap-para-menterinya-selama-pandemi?page=3" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:780px ">RATAS PANDEMI COVID-19SIGID KURNIAWAN RATAS PANDEMI COVID-19- President Joko Widodo threatened to do reshuffle cabinet before his ministers during the Plenary Cabinet Session at the State Palace, Jakarta, on June 18, 2020.

The statement was only revealed in a video that aired the Presidential Secretariat YouTube account on Sunday (6/28/2020).

Initially, when opening the meeting, Jokowi expressed his resentment to the ministers because he was still working normally during the crisis.

In fact, more efforts are needed to deal with the crisis due to the corona virus pandemic.

“I will open it. Whatever step you take extraordinary I will do it. For 267 million of our people. For the country, “Jokowi said.

He then conveyed a threat reshuffle for ministers who are still working mediocre.

“It could, dissolve the institution. It could reshuffle. I have thought everywhere, “Jokowi said.

The peak of Jokowi’s aggravation

photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/tren/image/2020/08/04/060100065/kejengkelan-kejengkelan-jokowi-terhadap-para-menterinya-selama-pandemi?page=4" style=" max-width: 100% ; width:780px ">President Joko Widodo on Thursday (6/25/2020) morning, leaving for East Java.  This is the first time Jokowi has paid a working visit in the new normal era or the new order of the Covid-19 corona virus pandemic. Agus Suparto / Presidential Photographer President Joko Widodo on Thursday (6/25/2020) morning, leaving for East Java. This is the first time Jokowi has paid a working visit in the new normal era or the new order of the Covid-19 corona virus pandemic. –

Related to threats reshuffle, Communication Studies Lecturer at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Fajar Junaedi, said that this was the culmination of Jokowi’s irritation with ministers who were considered incompetent at work.

He considered since the beginning of the Covid-19 pademic it seemed some ministers did not have it sense of crisis.

Fajar also predicted that Jokowi felt that the policies of the ministers in the second period of government actually threatened his popularity, even though this was his last period.

“Jokowi seems to want to leave a good image. Jokowi has been known for his successful imaging by his success team during the campaign period and the first period of his leadership. His public relations was successful,” Fajar said when contacted. Kompas.com, Monday (6/29/2020).

Also read: Angry Jokowi, Strong Warnings for Ministers, and the Message Behind His annoyance …

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