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Jokowi Will Streamline and Disband 18 Institutions

JAKARTA, AYOBANDUNG.COM – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) made it clear that he would dissolve a number of institutions and commissions. According to him, the dissolution and streamlining of institutions was carried out in order to summarize the organization. Ends, costs and budget can be saved.

“In the near future there will be 18 (institutions downsized). The leaner the organization, yes, the cost can be returned. Budget, costs. Even if we can return it to the minister of the ministry, to the director general, directorate, director, why should we use it? those bodies again, to the commissions again, “Jokowi explained at the Merdeka Palace, Monday (07/13/2020).

The President said, a more concise organizational body would make its performance run fast. According to him, all ministries and institutions in the country must be able to work fast in order to be able to compete with other countries.

Moreover, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic there needs to be an acceleration of performance in order to reduce economic impacts. “I want the ship to be as simple as possible so that it moves quickly. The organization going forward is something like that. I will convey it back and forth, a fast country can defeat a slow country. Not a big country to defeat a small country, no. We believe it,” he said.

The issue of the dissolution of the institution was conveyed by Jokowi at a cabinet meeting last June. At that time, Jokowi threatened to reshuffle and dissolve a number of institutions deemed unable to work quickly and extraordinaryly in handling the Covid-19 pandemic.

The handling meant is not only from the aspect of health, but also its relation in the economy, and distribution of social assistance. But at that time the president did not explain what kind of institution had the potential to be dissolved.

This news is the result of a collaboration between Ayo Media Network and Republika.co.id.

The contents of the post are outside the responsibilities of Ayo Media Network.

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