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Jokowi Reveals 2 Causes of a 2-fold Increase in Corona Cases


President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) uncover cases Corona in Indonesia has doubled after previously sloping. The Eid holidays and the spread of the new Corona variant are the two main causes.

The statement was made by Jokowi at the opening of the VIII National Conference of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, as broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat’s YouTube account, Wednesday (30/6/2021). At first, Jokowi said that the current conditions were very difficult for the business world.

“Currently is a very difficult time, when it is not easy for the business world for our economy and for the global economy, it is really very difficult and not easy to solve problems because it is not only an economic issue, but also a health issue,” said Jokowi. .

Just then Jokowi talked about the surge in the number of Corona cases in Indonesia in recent weeks. Jokowi also gave an example of India which experienced an exponential surge.

“We know that India has an exponential spike a few months ago. India once in 2020 was at 50 thousand active cases per day, then it fell to 9,000 cases per day and at the end of January early February, it rose exponentially from 9,000 to 370 thousand per day. days. The jump is very exponential and now India has fallen again down to 50 thousand cases per day, “said Jokowi.

The former governor of DKI said Indonesia should learn from India. Jokowi even admitted that he had called Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in early 2021.

“We can learn from there, the Minister of Health asked. In January, I called the Minister of Health of India. I also called Prime Minister Narendra Modi, why something like this happened. Two or three days, one week it is the same, in other countries there is also an exponential jump. in England, in the UK. Then in Israel, which actually has gone down and then jumped again in Israel it has gone down, the vaccination has gone up 70 percent again, Australia in Sydney too lockdown because the increase is very high,” said Jokowi.

Therefore, Jokowi ask all parties to be careful. Do not see the economy and health separately.

“Don’t just talk about the economy, the economy, the economy, but don’t look at health. But also don’t just look at health, health, health, but don’t look at the economy. Both of these must go hand in hand,” said Jokowi.

Jokowi then conveyed the development of Corona cases in Indonesia which had decreased. However, Corona cases have jumped again after the Eid holiday and the spread of the new Corona variant.

“At that time, our cases at the beginning of February and the end of January also rose to 176,000 cases, once in mid-May, May 18. I remember that it has dropped to 87 thousand cases, it has fallen in 4 months, slowly, slowly, slowly, down to 87 thousand. But after the Lebaran holiday yesterday plus a new variant, today we jumped more than doubled to 228 thousand. This is what I say, we must be careful, we must be vigilant, we must not be careless, “said Jokowi.

Watch Video: Indonesia Enters The Second Wave Of Increase In COVID-19 Cases

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