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Jokowi, Puan Maharani, to OJK Sued to Court

President Jokowi. Photo Illustration: Ricardo/JPNN.com

jpnn.com, JAKARTA – The Jakarta Legal Aid Institute (LBH) together with a number of residents sued President Joko Widodo, Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin, DPR RI Speaker Puan Maharani, Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G Plate, and the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

They filed a lawsuit filed by citizens against the parties to the Central Jakarta District Court on Friday (12/11).

The plaintiffs assessed that President Jokowi Cs had a responsibility regarding the online loan problem (pinjol) currently occurring in Indonesia.

“Residents urge these parties to make and ensure the establishment of comprehensive regulations, as well as answer community problems,” he said in a statement, Friday (12/11).

“This is to be able to provide legal protection, protect human rights, and be able to resolve existing problems and break the long chain of online loan polemics so that victims do not continue to grow.”

Jeanny assessed that online loans exist because of community needs.

However, there are other problems with online loans that cause thousands of people to experience legal and human rights abuse.

The government should, he said, provide certainty for registration permits as a condition for peer-to-peer lending applications or online loans to operate in Indonesia.

LBH Jakarta sued President Joko Widodo and a number of related parties to the court. The president is considered responsible for the polemics.


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