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Jokowi Blunder Fatal, Prabowo Subianto Also Dragged

President Joko Widodo. Photo: Antara / HO / Setpres / Lukas

GenPI.co – The decision of President Joko Widodo alias Jokowi to appoint two former Rose Team members to become public officials at the Ministry of Defense made Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto dragged along.

This is because two figures appointed, namely Brigadier General Yulius Selvanus and Brigadier General TNI Dadang Hendrayudha, will become Prabowo’s subordinates in the Ministry of Defense.

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The Mawar Team itself was the perpetrator of the kidnapping of a number of pro-democracy activists during the New Order.

The decision to appoint Yulius and Dadang was contained in Presidential Decree Number (Keppres) 166 of 2020.

Jokowi’s policy to appoint the two figures immediately led to violent protests.

One of them is from the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (KontraS).

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