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Jokowi Asks for Homecoming Conditions not to be Compared to the Mandalika MotoGP, this is the reason


President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) back to talking about the conditions for going home for Eid. He asked the public not to compare the conditions for going home with the conditions for watching MotoGP Mandalika.

At first, Jokowi asked people who wanted to go home not to forget the health protocols. In addition to having to wear masks, people who are going home are asked to have complete vaccinations plus a booster vaccine.

“This is to protect us all, to protect us all,” said Jokowi after visiting the Borobudur Temple in Magelang, Wednesday (30/3/2022).

From the data received by the Palace, said Jokowi, there are 79 million people who want to go home for Eid this year. This figure is very different from the people who watch the Mandalika MotoGP, which is 60 thousand people.

Then, he asked residents not to compare the strict conditions for going home with the condition of watching the Mandalika MotoGP.

“Those who want to go home are approximately 79 million. This is not a small number, don’t compare it later with other events, such as MotoGP, (approximately) 60 thousand (audiences),” Jokowi explained.

“That can’t be 60 thousand compared to 79 million, so handling must be careful, the complete vaccine has been worked out then Booster must also be pursued,” he continued.


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