Home » today » Business » Jokowi Agrees 3,000 VA Electricity Tariff to Increase, This is PLN’s Response

Jokowi Agrees 3,000 VA Electricity Tariff to Increase, This is PLN’s Response

KOMPAS.com – Electricity rates for power 3,000 VA and above will increase. This has received approval from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Reason power up is the government’s desire to share the burden and maintain a sense of justice.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati revealed this at a Working Meeting with the DPR RI Budget Board in Jakarta, Thursday (19/5/2022).

“The President or the Cabinet have agreed that to share the burden, for groups of households who can afford it, which is represented by those whose electricity subscriptions are above 3,000 VA, there may be an increase in electricity rates, only in that segment and above,” Sri Mulyani said, quoted by Antara. from Kompas.com, Thursday (19/5/2022).

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How did PLN respond?

Determination of electricity tariffs is the authority of the government

PLN Executive Vice President Corporate Communications and CSR Diah Ayu Permatasari stated that PLN was ready to implement the policy, namely increasing electricity rates for power of 3,000 VA and above.

Regarding the determination of the increase in electricity rates, he added, it was the authority of the government.

“PLN as the state electricity operator will implement the policies that have been decided by the government and is ready to provide reliable and quality electricity supplies for consumers,” Diah said. Kompas.com, Saturday (21/5/2022).

He said regulations related to the determination of electricity rates are regulated in the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation Number 03 of 2020 concerning the Fourth Amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 28 of 2016 concerning the Tariff of Electricity Provided by PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero).

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The regulation stipulates that the adjustment of electricity tariffs for non-subsidized customers (tariff adjustment) is carried out if there is a change in factors that can affect the basic cost of electricity supply (BPP).

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