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“Joko & Klaas against ProSieben”: “We don’t burn anymore”

Updated May 6, 2020, 7:35 a.m.

Greetings from the past: The latest edition of “Joko & Klaas against ProSieben” on Tuesday evening was recorded even before the corona crisis. We don’t know whether the show would have been so funny with all the hygiene measures – but it doesn’t matter. It was an entertaining evening. With plane crash.

Do you remember? Back when you could still shake hands with people? What would have been considered strange if you had walked around the supermarket with a mouth and nose guard?

When you were allowed to bring the children to school in the morning and first checked the emails and not the infection numbers on the Internet? A well-known normalcy, but a long time ago.

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When Steven Gätjen tries on TV on Tuesday evening to applaud the studio audience with “Calm down!” tame, then you know firstly that this applause does not come from the tape, as is customary, and therefore secondly there are real people in the audience and thirdly that the show was accordingly recorded before the corona pandemic.

ProSieben actually found an entertainment show on the shelf that was recorded a long time ago, and with “Joko & Klaas“was even a real show caliber. So the two of them can compete against their employer again in order to get 15 minutes of prime time in the event of a victory, which they can fill at will.

Joko and Klaas against Vanessa Mai and Ben Dolic

In the past, the show lived primarily from three things: Firstly, the love-hate relationship between Joko and Klaas, who otherwise made life difficult for each other in their duels around the world with a not insignificant portion of malicious joy. And even if they have to work together again this time, this rivalry is always noticeable with affection.

Charm number two is a bit of fun with delay. The 15 minute broadcast time always follows a day later, but it has usually always been worth waiting for. And the third fun of the show is the games.

They are not always original, but always more original than in almost all other shows on German television. For example, game number one.

Then Joko and Klaas had to sing alternately into a soundproof booth and a song that the other had to guess. The problem: You could only hear the singer for a few seconds when the other hit a buzzer.

But that was possible a maximum of three times and so you had to guess the right song with a few scraps of song. ProSieben Vanessa Mai and Ben Dolic had chosen as opponents – and if you ask yourself now “Ben who? “, it doesn’t have to be you or Ben Dolic.

“At the time of the recording, the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC, Note d. Red.) on the 18th May took place “, ProSieben faded in when Dolic came into the studio and it was beginning to dawn on him that Dolic Germany was at the ESC would have represented – if not the Corona pandemic would have come in between.

So now the promotional appearance became a simple one, which made the whole thing no less entertaining. In the end, Joko and Klaas won because they couldn’t sing better than Mai and Dolic, but they did better.

“Dude, we’re falling!” – “Nope.”

Game number two continued to be a bit funnier. Perhaps also because Joko and Klaas played here alone and therefore did not have to take unnecessary consideration when knocking on the speech.

Their task: the two had to fly into the cockpit of an airplane and then from Berlin to Mallorca. Of course, ProSieben has neither the money, the nerves, nor enough replacement moderators to play a game like this with a real airplane.

The fact that the two only sat in a flight simulator didn’t make the whole thing any less funny. Here is a brief excerpt from the dialogues between the two:

  • Joko: “Dude, we’re falling!”
  • Klaas: “Nope.”
  • Joko: “Dude, I can see the floor!”
  • Klaas: “May I just say something?”
  • Joko: “What?”
  • Klaas: “We don’t burn anymore.”

Of course, Klaas Heufer-Umlauf knows that it is much funnier for the viewer if the two do not succeed in their task. Accordingly, Klaas fiddles with the levers while Joko tries to land the plane.

The exit is not difficult to predict and Joko scolds his co-pilot after the crash. “We didn’t pass the task just because you wanted to see what happens!”

Klaas Heufer-Umlauf: “Dead time”

And so the two played, squatted and fooled through the evening. An obstacle course that the two have to tackle silently, lift pens, Lego bricks and USB sticks and catch them again, break a world record or car boxes against Axel Stein and Paul Janke.

The two didn’t make it perfect, but they were so passable that they didn’t necessarily have to go into the final task with a sweat of fear. This may also have been due to the fact that the punishment that ProSieben came up with if the two were defeated was rather mild.

For the ProSieben gossip and gossip format “Red”, the two of them should have each made a 25-minute article about one day from the life of the other. There are certainly more demanding ones and accordingly Heufer-Umlauf’s verdict was: “Dead time.”

This should not happen, however, because the two performed the various tasks confidently and in the allotted time: hitting a spectator, sorting the felt-tip pen cover by color, pulling a toilet flush and so on.

In the end remains of the youngest Issue “Joko & Klaas against ProSieben” knowing that Joko can throw up small items and catch them pretty well and that Klaas Heufer-Umlauf is color blind; and the short but familiar feeling of corona-free television.

The 15 minutes of airtime that the two get on Wednesday evening at 8:15 p.m. will definitely be live again.

The TV entertainer failed with his sea rescue operation. The defeat also resulted in six-figure donation amounts.

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