Home » today » Health » Joke about the vaccine against vaccine, taken seriously on anti-fax groups: Europa FM

Joke about the vaccine against vaccine, taken seriously on anti-fax groups: Europa FM

A presentation that obviously contains exaggerations, false information and includes excerpts from several conspiracy theories has come to be taken seriously and viralized as “very important” in many anti-vax (anti-vaccination) groups and pages.

“The Russians managed to remove nanochips from the Pfizer vaccine and published a scheme with functions! I’ll walk you through everything in no time.
The chip consists of only 4 processors and 4 transistors. The signal through the 5 G network enters on the left on INPUT. That’s how they control you.
Power is made by body heat and all parts are connected to that voltage. The signal is processed in the first processor with a frequency filter and transistor, which amplify it.

The increased signal continues to go to another processor that controls the MT-2 GAIN or how much impact it will have on your psyche. This control is variable and can strengthen or reduce it at will “, writes one of those who offered to explain an image that was intended to be a farce, but was taken seriously by the followers of the conspiracy theory.

Even if some reactions are ironic and bring arguments that dismantle point by point the “scheme of operation” and the comments of those who believe that the vaccine brings chips in the body and a 5G control, this does not prevent the spread of false information and enrich them with new erroneous data with each share.

“I post for believers who say that those who are anti-vaccination are liars, manipulators… etc…”, writes a lady on a group dedicated to the supporters of a party that won the most votes in the parliamentary elections.

“Be careful here and don’t joke anymore! The matter is serious! ”, Draws the attention of another person, who believes that the information is real.

Another person intervenes and tries to explain that it is a hoax – “A humorous electronics engineer created this funny text. I’m just afraid that, being read by half-learned indoctrinated with conspiracy, they will take the joke seriously… ”.

This does not stop another distributor of false information from being convinced that he is spreading information of public interest: “I thought of coming to the aid of the anti-vaccine. And they need to be informed! ”

The image that started as a joke and ended up being taken seriously on anti-fax groups was published online on the day vaccination has begun in the countries of the European Union. It is also the day it was presented Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine leaflet (COMIRNATY). Sunday, the first person vaccinated at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases Prof. Dr. Matei Balș was Mihaela Anghel, general nurse, member of the medical team that, on February 27, 2020, took over the first patient in Romania confirmed with the SARS-CoV-2 virus

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