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Joints in good shape – 2024-02-11 09:18:15

They rotate, roll, slide, extend, flex or bend so that we can write, run, jump, dance, walk, play sports or carry out any of our daily activities.

They are the joints or points of union between bones, present in shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, knuckles, spine, and in many other places in the human body.

These organic “hinges” are not only made up of bones, but also include the soft tissues that surround them, such as cartilage, tendons and ligaments, which cover the bone ends, connect them to muscles and other bones, ensuring joint stability or mobility, at those points where one or another function is necessary.

The joints work as a team with the bones and muscles in the complex framework of the musculoskeletal system, which allows our body to move and work.

Regular exercise, without impacts and rest. Photo: Karolina Grabowska/ Pexels..


As the years go by, the regeneration capacity of the joint tissues is reduced, producing disorders whose first symptom is pain, and which, in the long term, cause progressive stiffness and lack of functionality of the joint, according to specialists. .

There are practical measures and lifestyle changes that help slow down or delay this process of joint deterioration and reduce the risk of suffering from joint disorders with increasing age, they add.

But you don’t have to wait until you feel pain or discomfort to apply them. To avoid future ailments, the time to take care of our “locomotive hinges” is always now!, they say.

“There are more than a hundred rheumatic diseases and among the most frequent are: osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, low back pain, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica, gout, chondrocalcinosis,” explains Dr. Antonio Ponce Vargas, rheumatologist.

This specialist (www.doctorponce.com) points out that the rheumatologist, due to his training and experience, is the most appropriate doctor to be in charge of the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons) and the connective tissue.

“The most exposed joints of the human body are those of the knees and hands. The joints of the lumbar vertebrae also suffer a lot,” explains Javier Zaragoza, pharmacist and executive director (CEO) of the online pharmacy FarmaZara (https://farmazara.es).

“The knee joints, as well as the lumbar joints, can cause more pain or suffer from diseases, because they are load-bearing joints (subject to high compression) and tend to develop more wear problems and other ailments,” he explains.

He adds that “the joints of the hands and wrists also tend to suffer problems since, although they do not have the load of the knees, they have a lot of use and mobility.”

The regeneration of joint tissues is reduced with age. Photo: FarmaZara.


From the field of prevention, Zaragoza lists a series of healthy habits and practical measures that we can take to take care of our joints and reduce the risk of them suffering from disorders such as arthritis (inflammation) or osteoarthritis (wear and tear).

– Exercise. Practice three days a week, dedicating one hour each day, to a physical activity that does not produce much impact on the joints, such as swimming, walking, cycling or gymnastics without carrying weight, also avoiding exposure to blows and trauma.

– Overweight. Maintain an adequate body weight and avoid being overweight that puts excessive strain on the joints, carrying out regular physical activity and following a healthy diet, which excludes foods that have a large amount of calories and are less healthy, among which – according to nutritionists – are ultra-processed products.

– Postural hygiene. Avoid body postures that in the long run can damage the joints, for example bending the knees instead of arching the back forward and concentrating efforts only on the lumbar area, when lifting and carrying a weight, to do it with all your might. the body.

– Food. It is important to eat a balanced diet, and avoid the intake of alcohol and foods that have a high fat content or generate uric acid, which can negatively affect our joints, according to Zaragoza.

The Mediterranean diet, foods with omega 3 fatty acids (oily fish, nuts, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, vegetable oils), vitamin E and fruits rich in antioxidants, can have a protective effect on joint health, according to different investigations.

– Hydration. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, according to Zaragoza. If we are not well hydrated, the body will extract water from different parts of the body, including the cartilage, which is mostly made up of this fluid.

– Rest. In addition to avoiding excessive exercise, which can inflame the joints, it is advisable to rest after exercising, and generally enjoy adequate rest, for which it is advisable to renew the mattress from time to time and use a pillow that is suitable for us. .

– Accessories. The intake, under medical supervision, of some food supplements with collagen, magnesium, vitamin C or other antioxidants, as well as anti-inflammatories of natural origin such as turmeric, chondroitin or glucosamine, can also contribute to joint health, according to Zaragoza.

Healthy diet and regular exercise, for mobility. Photo: Open Communication.

Paul Gutman

EFE Reports

#Joints #good #shape

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