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Joint gaming operations in Baden-Württemberg – division of regions

On the way to a common game operation in Baden-Württemberg, which is structured and carried out according to uniform rules, the division of the clubs into different regions is one of the most important and difficult steps – and for many clubs also the most exciting and interesting!

As we had already communicated in the spring, we have obtained scientific support for this task from the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University. Prof. Dr. Schwenkreis has already successfully accompanied the Baden-Württemberg handball associations towards joint game operations. Our initial requirement was to divide all tennis clubs and departments into eight regions of roughly equal size; in our experience, the resulting size of just over 200 clubs per region is ideal for holding team games. Likewise, eight regions easily allow promotions and relegations to and from supra-regional leagues without play-offs. The second requirement was to optimize the allocation of clubs to the regions in terms of distance and travel time. Depending on whether the distance in kilometers or the travel time in minutes is used, the allocations for the clubs on the borders of the regions are quite different.

In an additional step, we analyzed and further processed these different allocations. We used the political affiliation to districts, the experience from the group division of the previous game operations as well as the feedback and requests already received from the clubs. The result, the first provisional division of the Baden-Württemberg clubs into eight regions for joint game operations, can be found in the attached tables!

We would like to emphasize the following points again:

  • The division into regions only affects game operations! Each club remains in its regional association and its previous district. This means that the contact persons in the districts will also remain the same as before.
  • For many clubs, relatively little will change, especially for those on the borders of our state. For many clubs on the borders of the new regions, there will be simplifications compared to the previous situation. However, there will also be a few hardship cases in the border areas and clubs that feel disadvantaged by the new allocation. We are fully aware of this, but unfortunately it is unavoidable in the course of such changes.

In order to achieve the greatest possible transparency and acceptance, we offer clubs in border areas of the regions the opportunity to send us justified requests for changes to the provisional allocation.

Please note the following:

  • Requests for changes can only be made on the form linked here be communicated.
  • The deadline for feedback is September 30, 2024.
  • Requests for changes can only be submitted by the board of directors of the association that is authorized to represent the association.
  • The allocation to a region can only be done for a club as a whole; it is not possible to assign the teams of a club to different regions.
  • The allocation to a region can only be changed once during the initial allocation, not, for example, on an annual basis!
  • A comprehensible justification is mandatory when submitting a request for change.

After the response period has ended, we will analyze the requests received and try to take them into account as best as possible. The applicants will then be informed of the results as soon as possible and the resulting new classification will be communicated to all clubs.

For the competitive sports departments of the two associations

Bernd Greiner Klaus Berner
Vice President BTV Vice President WTB

Division of regions

The affiliations of the clubs and gaming communities to the new classification for the joint game operation in Baden-Württemberg (column “new allocation”) can be seen from the documents of the previous classification. In the documents of the new allocation, all clubs in the new cluster are then listed together.

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