Home » today » Entertainment » Joint exhibition of Latvian and Vilnius Academy of Arts «Sazobe» opened in Kuldiga / Article / LSM.lv

Joint exhibition of Latvian and Vilnius Academy of Arts «Sazobe» opened in Kuldiga / Article / LSM.lv

This year the Baltic Unity Day was to take place in Kuldiga. Although it was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic, some events in Kuldiga will tell about the co-operation between Latvia and Lithuania. One of them is the joint exhibition of the Latvian Academy of Arts and the Vilnius Academy of Arts “Sazobe”.

At the ceremonial opening of the contemporary painting exhibition “Sazobe” in the exhibition hall of the Kuldīga Art House, when Latvian and Lithuanian artists would have met together, this time their works have met very quietly.

The Baltic Unity Day was planned to be celebrated in Kuldiga this year, and this was planned as one of the events. In order to emphasize the interaction, twinning and cooperation of the two art academies in various networks of art universities, the exhibition is named “Sazobe”.

“There are both figural and abstract works, and the differences between the artists are interesting, taking into account their background, experience and field of activity,” says Jana Pakalna, the curator of the exhibition “Sazobe”.

From the walls of the Art House, the works of six artists look at us, from each country – three.

The Latvian Academy of Arts is represented by Rector Kristaps Zariņš with colleagues Normunds Brasliņš and Madars Kvēps, and the Vilnius Academy of Arts is represented by Rector Ieva Skaurone with colleagues Pauls Juškis and Žilivi Jasutīte.

The curator of the exhibition says: “To some extent, Lithuanian contemporary painting in Latvia is well known, but given that we are neighboring countries with common roots, in fact this Lithuanian contemporary art is exhibited relatively little, there are no obstacles to exhibit much more and introduce him. works. “

The exhibition at Kuldiga Art House will be open until October 11. The exhibition “Voices of Jewelry” will be opened in the old town hall of Kuldīga on September 19, which is also dedicated to the Day of Baltic Unity.

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