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Joint European and Japanese Mission BepiColombo Submits Pictures of Planet Mercury. Extraordinary

Klikanggaran.Com – A shared mission Japan Space Agency (JAXA) with the European Space Agency (THIS) named BepiColombo which was launched in 2018, sending screenshots Mercury planet on October 1, 2021.

As reported by Sky News, images of Mercury’s surface recorded by the spacecraft from a distance of 200 km from Mercury’s surface appear pockmarked and covered in craters.

Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system and closest to the sun. On Mercury, the sun will appear three times larger in the sky than from Earth.

“Flying was perfect from a spacecraft point of view, and it was incredible to finally see our target planet,” said Elsa Montagnon, Spacecraft Operations Manager for the mission.

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The surveillance camera has captured a black-and-white photo of the planet in 1024×1024 resolution as well as some of the spacecraft’s structural elements, including its antenna and magnetometer.
BepiColombo made the closest flight to the surface on Mercury’s night side, so the image taken was from an altitude of about 1,000 km.

“It’s amazing to see this image of Mercury almost alive,” said Valetina Galluzzi, one of the investigators for the SIMBIO-SYS imaging system. BepiColombo which will be used once in the orbit of Mercury.

“It really made me excited to meet the planet I’d been studying since the first years of my research career, and I’m eager to work on new Mercury images in the future,” he added.

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