Home » Health » “Join our Skin Cancer Lecture at the Circle – Ditishelmond.nl”

“Join our Skin Cancer Lecture at the Circle – Ditishelmond.nl”

On Wednesday evening, April 12, dermatologist Astrid Vredenborg of the Elkerliek hospital in Helmond will give a free lecture at De Cirkel, the regional center for living with and after cancer. The theme of her lecture will be ‘Effects of sunlight on the skin and forms of skin cancer’. The lecture starts at 7.30 pm and the address is Evertsenstraat 19 in Helmond.

In her lecture she will cover a diverse range of topics such as the sun and shade side of sunlight, advantages and disadvantages of sunlight, which skin types are there, what does sunlight (UV-A and UV-B) do to your skin, what gives ageing, information about sun creams, which creams should you use, how often does skin cancer occur, what types of skin cancer are there and what treatments are involved and what people can do themselves.

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