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Johnathan Jones: Tucker Carlson warns: ‘Something bad is coming, America is on the brink of collapse’

/Pogled.info/ Speaking this week about immigration and the country’s foreign policy positions, spending and social division, Tucker Carlson also warned that America is on the “brink of collapse.”

At a special gala meeting at the Daily Caller News Foundation on Tuesday, Carlson addressed the crowd, sharing some ominous thoughts. He said that when then-presidential candidate Donald Trump made calls in early 2016 for government to work on behalf of the people, he expected elected officials to tighten up at least a little.

“The exact opposite happened. And that’s crazy,” he said.

Carlson said living costs, the inability of young Americans to start families and the country’s basic failure to maintain a standard of living should inspire policymakers to change course. But they don’t, he claims.

When you say you care about America, but at the same time give $100 billion to foreign countries, you’re lying (pic.twitter.com/jFmBlAW3qG-Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) October 25, 2023)

“If there’s something really dramatic happening in the country — like, young people can’t get married, or can’t buy a house, or have no hope for the future that brings them closer to the upbringing that they are andsmall for the middle class – then we have a huge problem and someone has to respond to it,” Carlson said.

“If our economy is on the brink of collapse, if our country is literally on the brink of bankruptcy, I hope someone raises the alarm about it,” he added.

Recalling his childhood, Carlson said that he grew up in a rich family, but he understood people who were struggling to make ends meet. He then exposed the federal government for focusing on persecuting its political enemies rather than uniting the nation to solve America’s deep social and fiscal problems.

“Let’s start by pretending you care,” Carlson said. “But it turns out that doesn’t work when you spend 100 billion on other countries.”

“I don’t care about the argument of how virtuous these countries are, I don’t care what these countries do or don’t do. It does not matter. The job, the moral duty, of the people running a country is to take care of the people in that country. Point. This is the truth.’

“Every single one, every single one of the 350 million Americans, every single one, regardless of political affiliation, feels that something bad is coming. Everyone knows that.”

“Let me say one more thing, if you’ve been to church at least once in the last year, have you thought about what’s been going on lately? Yes, you have that thought in your head. Because you feel like a sudden change is coming, and it’s very disturbing.”

Carlson said that while Americans of all backgrounds worry about the future, no one is advocating to bring them together, to give them hope. And he added that the country is currently being led by people who are not honest, who are incompetent and that the problem is in both parties.

Translation: Dr. Radko Khandzhiev

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