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Johan Derksen lashes out at Queen Máxima: ‘Golddigger’

Johan claims that Máxima used to be brainwashed by her parents to later find herself in ‘higher circles’. “She went to a private school that her parents couldn’t actually afford and then she went to New York and then she went to a marriage fair in Spain.”

He continues: “Where attractive young men were for sale. I was unable to attend that year, so she ended up with ‘prince lager’.”

Later Johan responds to the question from presenter Wilfred Genee whether the queen is a gold digger: “Yes, actually. She has consciously done her utmost to get into better circles.”

The whole fragment is here to see again.

In honor of her fiftieth birthday last Monday, Queen Máxima gave a television interview. The honor for the role of interviewer has gone to presenter Matthijs van Nieuwkerk. The conversation between the two was mainly about the personal side of the queen. Getting to know her husband, King Willem-Alexander, the motherhood of three daughters, getting to know the Netherlands, her countless positions, but also the death of her sister Inés. And about the much-discussed trip to Greece.

Everything about the interview is here read it again.

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